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  1. Alternative spelling of phyllo




  1. (UK, slang) Spittle or phlegm, especially a piece of spittle or phlegm that has been spat out.


  1. (UK, slang) To spit or to gob.
  2. To flop; to move or behave in a loose or uncoordinated way.




  1. A floccule; a soft or fluffy particle suspended in a liquid, or the fluffy mass of suspended particles so formed.




  1. A low, flat mass of floating ice.




  1. (Australia, informal, derogatory) A contemptible, often arrogant person; a wanker.
  2. (Internet slang) A weblog designed to look authentic, but actually developed as part of a commercial marketing strategy to promote some product or service.


  1. (theater) To beat away charcoal dust etc. using a flogger.
  2. (transitive) To use something to extreme; to abuse.
  3. (transitive) To whip or scourge as punishment.
  4. (transitive, Australia, New Zealand) To defeat easily or convincingly.
  5. (transitive, Australia, New Zealand) To steal something.
  6. (transitive, Australia, agriculture) To overexploit (land), as by overgrazing, overstocking, etc.
  7. (transitive, UK, slang) To sell.






  1. Right, squarely, flat-out.
  2. With a flopping sound.


  1. Indicating the sound of something flopping.


  1. (computing) Abbreviation of floating-point operation.
  2. (computing) One floating-point operation per second, a unit of measure of processor speed.
  3. (poker) The first three cards turned face-up by the dealer in a community card poker game.
  4. (slang) A flophouse.
  5. A complete failure, especially in the entertainment industry.
  6. A ponded package of dung, as in a cow-flop.
  7. An incident of a certain type of fall; a plopping down.


  1. (intransitive) To fall heavily due to lack of energy.
  2. (intransitive) To strike about with something broad and flat, as a fish with its tail, or a bird with its wings; to rise and fall; to flap.
  3. (intransitive, informal) To fail completely; not to be successful at all (of a movie, play, book, song etc.).
  4. (intransitive, slang) To stay, sleep or live in a place.
  5. (poker, transitive) To have (a hand) using the community cards dealt on the flop.
  6. (sports, intransitive) To pretend to be fouled in sports, such as basketball, hockey (the same as to dive in soccer)
  7. (transitive) To cause to drop heavily.
  8. (transitive) To flip; to reverse (an image).




  1. A film of yeast that develops on the surface of some wines during fermentation, induced deliberately during the production of sherry.





  1. (Scotland) A morass or marsh.
  2. (mathematics) A formalization of the idea of the motion of particles in a fluid, as a group action of the real numbers on a set.
  3. (psychology) A mental state characterized by concentration, focus and enjoyment of a given task.
  4. (rap music slang) The ability to skilfully rap along to a beat.
  5. (software) The sequence of steps taken in a piece of software to perform some action.
  6. A flow pipe, carrying liquid away from a boiler or other central plant (compare with return pipe which returns fluid to central plant).
  7. Movement in people or things characterized with a continuous motion, involving either a non solid mass or a multitude.
  8. Smoothness or continuity.
  9. The amount of a fluid that moves or the rate of fluid movement.
  10. The emission of blood during menstruation.
  11. The movement of a real or figurative fluid.
  12. The rising movement of the tide.


  1. (intransitive) To discharge excessive blood from the uterus.
  2. (intransitive) To hang loosely and wave.
  3. (intransitive) To have or be in abundance; to abound, so as to run or flow over.
  4. (intransitive) To move as a fluid from one position to another.
  5. (intransitive) To move or match smoothly, gracefully, or continuously.
  6. (intransitive) To proceed; to issue forth.
  7. (intransitive) To rise, as the tide; opposed to ebb.
  8. (transitive) To allow (a liquid) to flow.
  9. (transitive) To cover with varnish.
  10. (transitive) To cover with water or other liquid; to overflow; to inundate; to flood.
  11. (transitive, computing) To arrange (text in a wordprocessor, etc.) so that it wraps neatly into a designated space; to reflow.





  1. (mining, historical) A young boy who assisted the headsman by pushing or pulling the tub.
  2. A young horse or other equine, especially just after birth or less than a year old.


  1. (transitive, intransitive) To give birth to (a foal); to bear offspring.




  1. (aerodynamics, aviation) Clipping of aerofoil/airfoil.
  2. (authorship, figuratively) In literature, theatre/theater, etc., a character who helps emphasize the traits of the main character and who usually acts as an opponent or antagonist, but can also serve as the sidekick of the protagonist.
  3. (fencing) A very thin sword with a blunted (or foiled) tip
  4. (figuratively) Anything that acts by contrast to emphasise the characteristics of something.
  5. (heraldry) A stylized flower or leaf.
  6. (hunting) The track of an animal.
  7. (hydrodynamics, nautical) Clipping of hydrofoil.
  8. (uncountable) Thin aluminium/aluminum (or, formerly, tin) used for wrapping food.
  9. A thin layer of metal put between a jewel and its setting to make it seem more brilliant.
  10. A thin, transparent plastic material on which marks are made and projected for the purposes of presentation. See transparency.
  11. A very thin sheet of metal.
  12. Failure when on the point of attainment; defeat; frustration; miscarriage.
  13. One of the incorrect answers presented in a multiple-choice test.


  1. (mathematics) To expand a product of two or more algebraic expressions, typically binomials.
  2. (nautical) Clipping of hydrofoil.
  3. (obsolete) To defile; to soil.
  4. (obsolete) To tread underfoot; to trample.
  5. (transitive) To cover or wrap with foil.
  6. To blunt; to dull; to spoil.
  7. To prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
  8. To prevent (something) from being accomplished.





  1. (Christianity) A church congregation, a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church; the Christian church as a whole, the flock of Christ.
  2. (by extension, web design) The division between the part of a web page visible in a web browser window without scrolling; usually the fold.
  3. (collective) A group of sheep or goats.
  4. (computing theory) In functional programming, any of a family of higher-order functions that process a data structure recursively to build up a value.
  5. (dialectal, poetic or obsolete) The Earth; earth; land, country.
  6. (figuratively) Home, family.
  7. (geology) The bending or curving of one or a stack of originally flat and planar surfaces, such as sedimentary strata, as a result of plastic (i.e. permanent) deformation.
  8. (newspapers) The division between the top and bottom halves of a broadsheet: headlines above the fold will be readable in a newsstand display; usually the fold.
  9. (programming) A section of source code that can be collapsed out of view in an editor to aid readability.
  10. A bend or crease.
  11. A group of people with shared ideas or goals or who live or work together.
  12. A pen or enclosure for sheep or other domestic animals.
  13. An act of folding.
  14. Any correct move in origami.
  15. That which is folded together, or which enfolds or envelops; embrace.


  1. (intransitive) To become folded; to form folds.
  2. (intransitive) To give way on a point or in an argument.
  3. (intransitive, business) Of a company, to cease to trade.
  4. (intransitive, by extension) To withdraw or quit in general.
  5. (intransitive, informal) To fall over; to be crushed.
  6. (intransitive, poker) To withdraw from betting.
  7. (transitive) To bend (any thin material, such as paper) over so that it comes in contact with itself.
  8. (transitive) To enclose within folded arms (see also enfold).
  9. (transitive) To make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending.
  10. (transitive, cooking) To stir gently, with a folding action.
  11. To confine animals in a fold.
  12. To cover or wrap up; to conceal.
  13. To double or lay together, as the arms or the hands.




  1. Obsolete spelling of foal




  1. (architecture) Of or related to local building materials and styles.
  2. Believed or transmitted by the common people; not academically correct or rigorous.
  3. Of or pertaining to common people as opposed to ruling classes or elites.
  4. Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a land, their culture, tradition, or history.


  1. (archaic) A grouping of smaller peoples or tribes as a nation.
  2. (music) Short for folk music.
  3. (plural only) A particular group of people.
  4. (plural only) People in general.
  5. (plural only, plural: folks) One’s relatives, especially one’s parents.
  6. The inhabitants of a region, especially the native inhabitants.




  1. (knitting) Abbreviation of following.




  1. (informal) Foolish.


  1. (cooking) A type of dessert made of puréed fruit and custard or cream.
  2. (derogatory) A person with poor judgment or little intelligence.
  3. (historical) A jester; a person whose role was to entertain a sovereign and the court (or lower personages).
  4. (informal) Someone who derives pleasure from something specified.
  5. (slang, chiefly African-American Vernacular) Buddy, dude, man.
  6. (tarot, often capitalized Fool) A particular card in a tarot deck, representing a jester.


  1. (archaic) To make a fool of; to make act the fool.
  2. To act in an idiotic manner; to act foolishly.
  3. To trick; to deceive.





  1. (baseball) Outside of the base lines; in foul territory.
  2. (nautical) Entangled and therefore restricting free movement, not clear.
  3. (obsolete) Ugly; homely; poor.
  4. (of the weather) Unpleasant, stormy or rainy.
  5. (of words or a way of speaking) Obscene, vulgar or abusive.
  6. (technical) (with "of") Positioned on, in, or near enough to (a specified area) so as to obstruct it.
  7. Covered with, or containing unclean matter; dirty.
  8. Detestable, unpleasant, loathsome.
  9. Disgusting, repulsive; causing disgust.
  10. Dishonest or not conforming to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc.


  1. (baseball) A foul ball, a ball which has been hit outside of the base lines.
  2. (bowling) A (usually accidental) contact between a bowler and the lane before the bowler has released the ball.
  3. (sports) A breach of the rules of a game, especially one involving inappropriate contact with an opposing player in order to gain an advantage; for example, tripping someone up in soccer, or contact of any kind in basketball.


  1. (intransitive) To become clogged.
  2. (intransitive, baseball) To hit a ball outside of the baselines.
  3. (intransitive, basketball) To commit a foul.
  4. (transitive) To clog or obstruct.
  5. (transitive, baseball) To hit outside of the baselines.
  6. (transitive, basketball) To make contact with an opposing player in order to gain advantage.
  7. (transitive, nautical) To entangle.
  8. To come into contact or collide with.




  1. (obsolete) foul


  1. (archaic) A bird.
  2. A bird of the order Galliformes, including chickens, turkeys, pheasant, partridges and quail.
  3. Birds which are hunted or kept for food, including Galliformes and also waterfowl of the order Anseriformes such as ducks, geese and swans, together forming the clade Galloanserae.


  1. To hunt fowl.




  1. (international standards) Alternative letter-case form of Golf from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.
  2. (sports) A ball game played by individuals competing against one another in which the object is to hit a ball into each of a series of (usually 18 or nine) holes in the minimum number of strokes.


  1. (computing) To write something in as few characters as possible (e.g. in code golf, regex golf)
  2. (intransitive) To play the game of golf.




  1. Last in first out (describing a stack data structure).




  1. (Cockney rhyming slang) Shortened from "loaf of bread", the brain or the head (mainly in the phrase use one's loaf).
  2. (also loaf of bread) A block of bread after baking.
  3. A solid block of soap, from which standard bar soap is cut.
  4. Any solid block of food, such as meat or sugar.


  1. (Cockney rhyming slang) To headbutt (from loaf of bread)
  2. (Internet slang) To be in catloaf position (for cats or other animals)
  3. (intransitive) To do nothing, to be idle.





  1. (obsolete, rare) lofty; proud; haughty


  1. (golf) The pitch or slope of the face of a golf club (tending to drive the ball upward).
  2. (obsolete) A floor or room placed above another.
  3. (obsolete, except in derivatives) air, the air; the sky, the heavens.
  4. (textiles) The thickness of a soft object when not under pressure.
  5. A gallery or raised apartment in a church, hall, etc.
  6. An attic or similar space (often used for storage) in the roof of a house or other building.


  1. (bowling) To throw the ball erroneously through the air instead of releasing it on the lane's surface.
  2. (intransitive) To fly or travel through the air, as though propelled
  3. (transitive) To furnish with a loft space.
  4. (transitive) To propel high into the air.
  5. (transitive) To raise (a bed) on tall supports so that the space beneath can be used for something else.




  1. (anatomy, now chiefly dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) The hand, especially, the hand outspread and upturned.
  2. (anatomy, now chiefly dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) The palm of the hand.
  3. (nautical) The after part of the bow of a ship where the sides begin to curve.
  4. (nautical, obsolete) A contrivance (apparently a paddle or an oar) used for altering the course of a ship.
  5. The spongy fibers of the fruit of a cucurbitaceous plant (Luffa aegyptiaca).








  1. (transitive) To apply the Rolfing massage technique to.




  1. (figurative) Any very ravenous, rapacious, or destructive person or thing; especially, want; starvation.
  2. (music) A wolf tone or wolf note.
  3. (obsolete) An eating ulcer or sore. See lupus.
  4. A man who makes amorous advances to many women.
  5. A white worm, or maggot, which infests granaries.
  6. A willying machine, to cleanse wool or willow.
  7. A wolf spider.
  8. Any of several related canines that resemble Canis lupus in appearance, especially those of the genus Canis.
  9. Canis lupus; the largest wild member of the canine subfamily.
  10. One of the destructive, and usually hairy, larvae of several species of beetles and grain moths.


  1. (intransitive) To hunt for wolves.
  2. (intransitive, slang) To make amorous advances to many women; to hit on women; to cruise for sex.
  3. (transitive) To devour; to gobble; to eat (something) voraciously.