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English 4 letter words - Containing letters lhe - page 1

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  1. (education) In some countries, the period from elementary school to high school.




  1. (dated) Sound, entire, healthy; robust, not impaired.


  1. (archaic) Health, welfare.


  1. To drag or pull, especially forcibly.




  1. (obsolete, uncountable) health
  2. (role-playing games, countable) A spell or ability that restores hit points or removes a status ailment.


  1. (intransitive) To become better or healthy again.
  2. (rare) Alternative form of hele (“conceal”).
  3. (transitive) To make better from a disease, wound, etc.; to revive or cure.
  4. (transitive, figurative) To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt.




  1. (US) The base of a bun sliced in half lengthwise.
  2. (US, Ireland, Scotland, Australia) A crust end-piece of a loaf of bread.
  3. (anatomy) The rear part of the foot, where it joins the leg.
  4. (architecture) The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter.
  5. (architecture, obsolete) A cyma reversa.
  6. (card games) The cards set aside for later use in a patience or solitaire game.
  7. (carpentry) The short side of an angled cut.
  8. (firearms) The back, upper part of the stock.
  9. (golf) The part of a club head's face nearest the shaft.
  10. (informal) A contemptible, unscrupulous, inconsiderate or thoughtless person.
  11. (nautical) The act of inclining or canting from a vertical position; a cant.
  12. (nautical) The junction between the keel and the stempost of a vessel; an angular wooden join connecting the two.
  13. (slang, professional wrestling) A headlining wrestler regarded as a "bad guy," whose ring persona embodies villainous or reprehensible traits and demonstrates characteristics of a braggart and a bully.
  14. (specifically, US) The obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping.
  15. (usually in the plural) A woman's high-heeled shoe.
  16. Anything resembling a human heel in shape; a protuberance; a knob.
  17. In a carding machine, the part of a flat nearest the cylinder.
  18. The last or lowest part of anything.
  19. The lower end of the bit (cutting edge) of an axehead; as opposed to the toe (upper end).
  20. The part of a shoe's sole which supports the foot's heel.
  21. The part of the palm of a hand closest to the wrist.
  22. The rear part of a sock or similar covering for the foot.


  1. (American football, transitive) To make (a fair catch) standing with one foot forward, the heel on the ground and the toe up.
  2. (chiefly nautical) To incline to one side; to tilt.
  3. (golf, transitive) To hit (the ball) with the heel of the club.
  4. (rare, now especially in the phrase "heel in") Alternative form of hele (“cover; conceal”).
  5. (transitive) To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.
  6. (transitive) To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, etc.
  7. To add a heel to, or increase the size of the heel of (a shoe or boot).
  8. To follow at somebody's heels; to chase closely.
  9. To kick with the heel.




  1. To greet with a Sieg Heil.





  1. simple past tense and past participle of hold




  1. (rare, now chiefly dialectal or archaic) To hide, conceal, and keep secret, especially for a secret society (such as the masons).
  2. (rare, now especially in the phrase "hele in") To cover or conceal (a seedling, plant, roots, etc).
  3. Obsolete form of heal.




  1. Clipping of helicopter.




  1. (Australia, impolite, sometimes considered vulgar) Very; used to emphasize strongly.
  2. (postpositional) Alternative form of the hell or like hell.


  1. (impolite, sometimes considered vulgar) Used to express discontent, unhappiness, or anger.
  2. (impolite, sometimes considered vulgar) Used to introduce an intensified statement following an understated one; nay; not only that, but.
  3. (impolite, sometimes considered vulgar, non-productive) Used to emphasize.


  1. (in many religions, uncountable) A place of torment where some or all sinners and evil spirits are believed to go after death.


  1. (colloquial, with on) Something extremely painful or harmful (to)
  2. (countable) A place for gambling.
  3. (countable, hyperbolic, figuratively) A place or situation of great suffering in life.
  4. (figuratively) An extremely hot place.
  5. (obsolete) A place into which a tailor throws shreds, or a printer discards broken type.
  6. (sometimes considered vulgar) Used as an intensifier in phrases grammatically requiring a noun.
  7. In certain games of chase, a place to which those who are caught are carried for detention.


  1. (rare) To pour.
  2. (rare, metal-working) To add luster to; to burnish (silver or gold).




  1. (Northern England (Cumberland, Westmorland)) A heavy cloud lying on the brow of a mountain, especially one associated with a storm.
  2. (Northern England) A shelter for cattle or other farm animals; a hemmel, a shed.
  3. (alchemy, chemistry) The upper part or cap of an alembic or retort.
  4. (archaic or poetic) A helmet.
  5. (countable) A stalk of corn, or (uncountable) stalks of corn collectively (that is, straw), especially when bundled together or laid out straight to be used for thatching roofs.
  6. (except Britain, dialectal) The crown or top of something.
  7. (heraldry) Synonym of helmet (“the feature above a shield on a coat of arms”)
  8. (nautical) The member of a vessel's crew in charge of steering the vessel; a helmsman or helmswoman.
  9. (nautical) The tiller (or, in a large ship, the wheel) which is used to control the rudder of a marine vessel; also, the entire steering apparatus of a vessel.
  10. (nautical) The use of a helm (sense 1); also, the amount of space through which a helm is turned.
  11. (uncountable) Alternative form of haulm (“the stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop, which are used as animal food or litter, or for thatching”)
  12. (uncountable, obsolete) Synonym of bentgrass (“any of numerous reedy grass species of the genus Agrostis”)
  13. A position of control or leadership.
  14. One in the position of controlling or directing; a controller, a director, a guide.
  15. Something used to control or steer; also (obsolete), a handle of a tool or weapon; a haft, a helve.


  1. (figuratively) To direct or lead (a project, etc.); to manage (an organization).
  2. (nautical) To control the helm (noun sense 1) of (a marine vessel); to be in charge of steering (a vessel).
  3. (transitive) To lay out (stalks of corn, or straw) straight to be used for thatching roofs; to yelm.
  4. (transitive, archaic or poetic) To cover (a head) with a helmet; to provide (someone) with a helmet; to helmet.




  1. A cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance


  1. (countable) A study aid.
  2. (uncountable) Action given to provide assistance; aid.
  3. (uncountable) Correction of deficits, as by psychological counseling or medication or social support or remedial training.
  4. (usually uncountable) One or more people employed to help in the maintenance of a house or the operation of a farm or enterprise.
  5. Documentation provided with computer software, etc. and accessed using the computer.
  6. Something or someone which provides assistance with a task.


  1. (Hong Kong) To do something on the behalf of someone.
  2. (intransitive) To provide assistance.
  3. (transitive) To assist (a person) in getting something, especially food or drink at table; used with to.
  4. (transitive) To avoid; to prevent; to refrain from; to restrain (oneself). Usually used in nonassertive contexts with can.
  5. (transitive) To contribute in some way to.
  6. (transitive) To provide assistance to (someone or something).





  1. (fishing) an artificial fly made with this barb
  2. (obsolete) a strand of hair
  3. the fibrous shaft or barb of a feather (especially that of the ostrich or peacock) used to make artificial flies for angling




  1. (old South-West England dialect) A bundle of sheaves of wheat (or similar crop) stacked vertically to dry; a stook.


  1. (old South-West England dialect) To form sheaves into a hile.





  1. Obsolete spelling of whole.


  1. (Ireland, Scotland, particularly in the phrase "get one's hole") Sex, or a sex partner.
  2. (archaeology, slang) An excavation pit or trench.
  3. (baseball) The rear portion of the defensive team between the shortstop and the third baseman.
  4. (chess) A square on the board, with some positional significance, that a player does not, and cannot in future, control with a friendly pawn.
  5. (computing) A security vulnerability in software which can be taken advantage of by an exploit.
  6. (figurative) Difficulty, in particular, debt.
  7. (figuratively) A weakness; a flaw or ambiguity.
  8. (golf) A subsurface standard-size hole, also called cup, hitting the ball into which is the object of play. Each hole, of which there are usually eighteen as the standard on a full course, is located on a prepared surface, called the green, of a particular type grass.
  9. (golf) The part of a game in which a player attempts to hit the ball into one of the holes.
  10. (graph theory) A chordless cycle in a graph.
  11. (informal) A container or receptacle.
  12. (informal, with "the") Solitary confinement, a high-security prison cell often used as punishment.
  13. (physics) In semiconductors, a lack of an electron in an occupied band behaving like a positively charged particle.
  14. (slang) An undesirable place to live or visit.
  15. (slang, anatomy) An orifice, in particular the anus. When used with shut it always refers to the mouth.
  16. (slang, rail transport) A passing loop; a siding provided for trains traveling in opposite directions on a single-track line to pass each other.
  17. (stud poker) A card (also called a hole card) dealt face down thus unknown to all but its holder; the status in which such a card is.
  18. A hollow place or cavity; an excavation; a pit; a dent; a depression; a fissure.
  19. An opening that goes all the way through a solid body, a fabric, etc.; a perforation; a rent.
  20. In the game of fives, part of the floor of the court between the step and the pepperbox.


  1. (intransitive) To go into a hole.
  2. (transitive) To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in.
  3. (transitive) To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball or golf ball.
  4. (transitive) To make holes in (an object or surface).
  5. (transitive, by extension) To destroy.





  1. (obsolete, philosophy) matter
  2. The first matter of the cosmos, from which the four elements arose, according to the doctrines of Empedocles and Aristotle.





  1. (slang) A lecher.
  2. (slang) A strong, lecherous desire or craving.
  3. The capstone of a cromlech.


  1. (slang) To behave lecherously.





  1. A long oven or kiln, often having a moving belt, used for annealing glass.


