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  1. (US, informal) Expressing shock, awe or surprise; used as a general intensifier.


  1. (Australia slang, New Zealand, obsolete) An odd or eccentric person; someone who is a bit strange but amusingly so.
  2. (Australia slang, derogatory) One who dresses unfashionably or without apparent care about appearance; someone who is not cool; a dweeb or nerd.
  3. (chiefly Ireland) Pronunciation spelling of dog.
  4. (graph theory) A directed acyclic graph; an ordered pair (V,E) such that E is a subset of some partial ordering relation on V.
  5. (obsolete) A dagger; a poniard.
  6. (obsolete) A kind of large pistol.
  7. A dangling lock of sheep’s wool matted with dung.
  8. A hanging end or shred, in particular a long pointed strip of cloth at the edge of a piece of clothing, or one of a row of decorative strips of cloth that may ornament a tent, booth or fairground.
  9. A misty shower; dew.
  10. A skewer.
  11. A spit, a sharpened rod used for roasting food over a fire.
  12. The unbranched antler of a young deer.


  1. (UK, dialect) To be misty; to drizzle.
  2. (obsolete, or dialectal) To sully; to make dirty; to bemire.
  3. (transitive) To cut or slash the edge of a garment into dags
  4. (transitive) To skewer food, for roasting over a fire
  5. To shear the hindquarters of a sheep in order to remove dags or prevent their formation.





  1. An exclamation roughly equivalent to by God, goodness gracious, for goodness' sake.


  1. (Northern England, Scotland, derogatory) A greedy and/or stupid person.
  2. (UK, US, dialect) A rod or stick, such as a fishing rod or a measuring rod.
  3. (dated, metallurgy) An indeterminate measure of metal produced by a furnace, sometimes equivalent to a bloom weighing around 100 pounds.
  4. (especially UK, US, dialect) A goad, a sharp-pointed rod for driving cattle, horses, etc, or one with a whip or thong on the end for the same purpose.
  5. (especially mining) A pointed metal tool for breaking or chiselling rock.
  6. (obsolete) A metal bar.
  7. A spike on a gauntlet; a gadling.
  8. One who roams about idly; a gadabout.


  1. (intransitive) To move from one location to another in an apparently random and frivolous manner.
