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English 4 letter words - Containing letters zub - page 1

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  1. (informal) A rush or feeling of energy or excitement; a feeling of slight intoxication.
  2. (informal) A telephone call or e-mail.
  3. (informal) Major topic of conversation; widespread rumor; information spread behind the scenes.
  4. (uncountable) Synonym of fizz-buzz (“counting game”)
  5. A continuous humming noise, as of bees; a confused murmur, as of general conversation in low tones.
  6. A whisper.
  7. The audible friction of voiced consonants.


  1. (archaic, transitive) To drink to the bottom.
  2. (aviation) To fly at high speed and at a very low altitude over a specified area, as to make a surprise pass.
  3. (by extension) To utter a murmuring sound; to speak with a low, humming voice.
  4. (chiefly of an insect) To fly while making such a sound.
  5. (colloquial) To show a high level of activity and haste, energization or excitement, to be busy as a bee in one’s actions but perhaps mentally charged.
  6. (intransitive) To make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound, like that made by bees with their wings.
  7. (transitive) To communicate with (a person) by means of a buzzer.
  8. (transitive) To cut the hair in a close-cropped military style, or buzzcut.
  9. (transitive) To talk to incessantly or confidentially in a low humming voice.
  10. (transitive) To whisper; to communicate, as tales, in an undertone; to spread, as a report, by whispers or secretly.
  11. Of a group of people, to talk about some interesting topic excitedly.




  1. A domesticated ox native to Asia and Africa, having a large fleshy hump on its back and a dewlap (Bos primigenius indicus).




  1. (obsolete) One of several species of European bison or aurochs, which were unclearly delineated in the 1800s when this sense was in use.
  2. The wisent, the European bison (Bison bonasus).