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  1. (figuratively, often euphemistic) The act of departing from life; death.
  2. (road transport) A minor road (such as a ramp or slip road) which is used to leave a major road (such as an expressway, highway, or motorway).
  3. (specifically, drama) The action of an actor leaving a scene or the stage.
  4. An act of going out or going away, or leaving; a departure.
  5. An opening or passage through which one can go from inside a place (such as a building, a room, or a vehicle) to the outside; an egress.


  1. (bridge, intransitive) To give up the lead.
  2. (intransitive) To go out or go away from a place or situation; to depart, to leave.
  3. (intransitive, drama, also figuratively) Used as a stage direction for an actor: to leave the scene or stage.
  4. (intransitive, often euphemistic) To depart from life; to die.
  5. (theater) To leave a scene or depart from a stage.
  6. (transitive, intransitive, computing) To end or terminate (a program, subroutine, etc.)
  7. (transitive, originally US, also figuratively) To depart from or leave (a place or situation).
  8. (transitive, specifically) To alight or disembark from a vehicle.