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  1. (archaic, law) At the time the will is written. Used in order to prevent any inheritance from being transferred to a person of a future marriage. Does not indicate the existence of a previous marriage.
  2. (informal) Fashionable; popular; up to date; current.
  3. Present; current.


  1. (obsolete) As 'but now': Very recently; not long ago; up to the present.
  2. (sentential) Used to introduce a point, a qualification of what has previously been said, a remonstration or a rebuke.
  3. At the present time.
  4. At the time reached within a narration.
  5. Differently from the immediate past; differently from a more remote past or a possible future; differently from all other times.
  6. Sometimes; occasionally.
  7. Used to address a switching side, or sharp change in attitude from before. (In this usage, now is usually emphasized).
  8. Used to indicate a context of urgency.


  1. Since, because, in light of the fact; often with that.


  1. Indicates a signal to begin.


  1. (countable, chiefly in phenomenology) A particular instant in time, as perceived at that instant.
  2. (often with "the") The state of not paying attention to the future or the past.
  3. (uncountable) The present time.


  1. Misspelling of know.




  1. (obsolete) Not foreign.
  2. (obsolete) Peculiar, domestic.
  3. Belonging to; possessed; acquired; proper to; property of; titled to; held in one's name; under/using the name of. Often marks a possessive determiner as reflexive, referring back to the subject of the clause or sentence.
  4. Not shared.


  1. (intransitive) To admit, concede, grant, allow, acknowledge, confess; not to deny.
  2. (intransitive, UK dialectal) To confess.
  3. (intransitive, slang) To be very good.
  4. (online gaming, slang) To defeat, dominate, or be above, also spelled pwn.
  5. (transitive) To admit; concede; acknowledge.
  6. (transitive) To claim as one's own.
  7. (transitive) To defeat or embarrass; to overwhelm.
  8. (transitive) To have recognized political sovereignty over a place, territory, as distinct from the ordinary connotation of property ownership.
  9. (transitive) To have rightful possession of (property, goods or capital); to have legal title to; to acquire a property or asset.
  10. (transitive) To proudly acknowledge; to not be ashamed or embarrassed of.
  11. (transitive) To recognise; acknowledge.
  12. (transitive) To take responsibility for.
  13. (transitive) To virtually or figuratively enslave.
  14. (transitive, computing, slang) To illicitly obtain superuser or root access to a computer system, thereby having access to all of the user files on that system; pwn.




  1. The currency of Korea, worth 100 jun in North Korea and 100 jeon in South Korea.


  1. (archaic or obsolete, regional) To be accustomed to do something.
  2. (archaic or obsolete, regional) To live, remain.
  3. simple past tense and past participle of win