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English 5 letter words - Containing letters tvlu - page 1

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  1. (computing) An encrypted digital archive.
  2. (equestrianism) Synonym of volte: a circular movement by the horse.
  3. (figuratively) Anything resembling such a downward-facing concave structure, particularly the sky and caves.
  4. (gymnastics) A gymnastic movement performed on this apparatus.
  5. (gymnastics) A piece of apparatus used for performing jumps.
  6. (gymnastics) An event or performance involving a vaulting horse.
  7. (obsolete) An underground or covered conduit for water or waste; a drain; a sewer.
  8. (obsolete) An underground or covered reservoir for water or waste; a cistern; a cesspit.
  9. (obsolete, euphemistic) A room employing a cesspit or sewer: an outhouse; a lavatory.
  10. (often figurative) Any archive of past content.
  11. An act of vaulting, formerly (chiefly) by deer; a leap or jump.
  12. An arched masonry structure supporting and forming a ceiling, whether freestanding or forming part of a larger building.
  13. Any arched ceiling or roof.
  14. Any burial chamber, particularly those underground.
  15. Any cellar or underground storeroom.
  16. The secure room or rooms in or below a bank used to store currency and other valuables; similar rooms in other settings.
  17. The space covered by an arched roof, particularly underground rooms and (Christianity, obsolete) church crypts.


  1. (transitive) To build as, or cover with a vault.
  2. (transitive, intransitive) To jump or leap over.