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English 4 letter words - Containing letters rof - page 1

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l : 10.34%

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g : 6.90%

d : 6.90%

c : 6.90%

m : 6.90%

t : 6.90%

p : 3.45%

w : 3.45%

h : 3.45%

u : 3.45%

z : 3.45%

b : 3.45%

k : 3.45%

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  1. A person of African ancestry
  2. hairstyle characterized by tightly curled locks and a rounded shape.




  1. (fishing) A container (basket, wooden box with holes etc.) used to store live fish underwater.
  2. (mining) A large basket, especially as used for coal.
  3. (mining) A wooden frame, sled, or low-wheeled wagon, to convey coal or ore in the mines.





  1. (card games) A game of chance played by betting on the order in which certain cards will appear when taken singly from the top of the pack.




  1. A film of yeast that develops on the surface of some wines during fermentation, induced deliberately during the production of sherry.




  1. plural of forum (alternative form of forums).




  1. (chiefly ecology) Any non-woody flowering plant that is not a graminoid (a grass, sedge, or rush).




  1. A location where a stream is shallow and the bottom has good footing, making it possible to cross from one side to the other with no bridge, by walking, riding, or driving through the water; a crossing.
  2. A stream; a current.


  1. To cross a stream using a ford.




  1. (obsolete) Former; occurring earlier (in some order); previous.
  2. Forward; situated towards the front (of something).


  1. (nautical) In or towards the bows of a ship.
  2. (obsolete) Formerly; previously; afore.
  3. In the part that precedes or goes first; opposed to aft, after, back, behind, etc.


  1. (golf) An exclamation yelled to inform players a ball is moving in their direction.


  1. The front; the forward part of something; the foreground.




  1. (Britain, vulgar) The crotch.
  2. (by abstraction, from the tool shape) A point where a waterway, such as a river or other stream, splits and flows into two (or more) different directions.
  3. (chess) The simultaneous attack of two adversary pieces with one single attacking piece (especially a knight).
  4. (colloquial) A forklift.
  5. (content management) Any of the pieces/versions of content thus created.
  6. (content management) The splitting of the coverage of a topic (within a corpus of content) into two or more pieces.
  7. (cryptocurrencies) A split in a blockchain resulting from protocol disagreements, or a branch of the blockchain resulting from such a split.
  8. (cycling, motorcycling, by abstraction from a pronged tool's shape) In a bicycle or motorcycle, the portion of the frameset holding the front wheel, allowing the rider to steer and balance, also called front fork.
  9. (figurative) A decision point.
  10. (figuratively, decision-making) A point in time where one has to make a decision between two life paths.
  11. (metonymically) Any of the pieces/versions (of software, content, or data sets) thus created.
  12. (metonymically) Either of the (figurative) paths thus taken.
  13. (metonymically, and analogous to any prong of a pronged tool) One of the parts into which anything is furcated or divided; a prong; a branch of a stream, a road, etc.; a barbed point, as of an arrow.
  14. (mining) The bottom of a sump into which the water of a mine drains.
  15. (obsolete) A gallows.
  16. (physical) An intersection in a road or path where one road is split into two.
  17. (software) Any of the software projects resulting from the launch of such separate software development efforts based upon a copy of the original project.
  18. (software) The launch of one or more separate software development efforts based upon a modified copy of an existing project, especially in free and open-source software.
  19. A tuning fork.
  20. A utensil with spikes used to put solid food into the mouth, or to hold food down while cutting.
  21. Any of several types of pronged tools for use on farms, in fields, or in the garden or lawn, such as a smaller hand fork for weeding or a larger one for turning over the soil.
  22. Either of the blades of a forklift (or, in plural, the set of blades), on which the goods to be raised are loaded.
  23. Such a pronged tool having a long straight handle, generally for two-handed use, as used for digging, lifting, mucking, pitching, etc.
  24. The upper front brow of a saddle bow, connected in the tree by the two saddle bars to the cantle on the other end.


  1. (intransitive) To shoot into blades, as corn does.
  2. (mining, transitive) To bale a shaft dry.
  3. (transitive) Euphemistic form of fuck.
  4. (transitive) To move with a fork (as hay or food).
  5. (transitive, Britain) To kick someone in the crotch.
  6. (transitive, intransitive) To divide into two or more branches or copies.
  7. (transitive, intransitive, computing) To spawn a new child process by duplicating the existing process.
  8. (transitive, intransitive, software engineering) To launch a separate software development effort based upon a modified copy of an existing software project, especially in free and open-source software.
  9. (transitive, software engineering) To create a copy of a distributed version control repository.





  1. (UK) A criminal record; loosely, past history (in a given area).
  2. (UK, education) A class or year of school pupils (often preceded by an ordinal number to specify the year, as in sixth form).
  3. (archaic) A class or rank in society.
  4. (computing, programming) A window or dialogue box.
  5. (crystallography) The combination of planes included under a general crystallographic symbol. It is not necessarily a closed solid.
  6. (dated) A long bench with no back.
  7. (fine arts) The boundary line of a material object. In painting, more generally, the human body.
  8. (geometry) A quantic.
  9. (grammar) A grouping of words which maintain grammatical context in different usages; the particular shape or structure of a word or part of speech.
  10. (philosophy) The inherent nature of an object; that which the mind itself contributes as the condition of knowing; that in which the essence of a thing consists.
  11. (printing, dated) The type or other matter from which an impression is to be taken, arranged and secured in a chase.
  12. (sports, fitness) A specific way of performing a movement.
  13. (taxonomy) An infraspecific rank.
  14. A blank document or template to be filled in by the user.
  15. A specimen document to be copied or imitated.
  16. A thing that gives shape to other things as in a mold.
  17. An order of doing things, as in religious ritual.
  18. Characteristics not involving atomic components.
  19. Constitution; mode of construction, organization, etc.; system.
  20. Established method of expression or practice; fixed way of proceeding; conventional or stated scheme; formula.
  21. Level of performance.
  22. Regularity, beauty, or elegance.
  23. Show without substance; empty, outside appearance; vain, trivial, or conventional ceremony; conventionality; formality.
  24. The den or home of a hare.
  25. The shape or visible structure of a thing or person.


  1. (electrical, historical, transitive) To treat (plates) to prepare them for introduction into a storage battery, causing one plate to be composed more or less of spongy lead, and the other of lead peroxide. This was formerly done by repeated slow alternations of the charging current, but later the plates or grids were coated or filled, one with a paste of red lead and the other with litharge, introduced into the cell, and formed by a direct charging current.
  2. (intransitive) To take shape.
  3. (transitive) To assume (a certain shape or visible structure).
  4. (transitive) To constitute, to compose, to make up.
  5. (transitive) To give (a shape or visible structure) to a thing or person.
  6. (transitive, linguistics) To create (a word) by inflection or derivation.
  7. To mould or model by instruction or discipline.
  8. To provide (a hare) with a form.
  9. To put together or bring into being; assemble.




  1. (historical) An outlying trading-station, as in British North America.
  2. A fortified defensive structure stationed with troops.
  3. A structure improvised from furniture, bedding, etc., for playing games.
  4. Any permanent army post.


  1. To create a fort, fortifications, a strong point, or a redoubt.





  1. (basketball, countable) A power forward.
  2. (colloquial) A regatta event for four boats.
  3. (countable) Anything measuring four units, as length.
  4. (countable) The digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof.
  5. (cricket, countable) An event in which the batsmen run four times between the wickets or, more often, a batsman hits a ball which bounces on the ground before passing over a boundary, resulting in an award of 4 runs for the batting team. If the ball does not bounce before passing over the boundary, a six is awarded instead.
  6. (obsolete) A four-pennyworth of spirits.
  7. A person who is four years old.
  8. The crew rowing in a four boat.
  9. The shell itself.


  1. A numerical value equal to 4; the number after three and before five; two plus two. This many dots (••••)
  2. Describing a set or group with four elements.





  1. (obsolete) A dirty woman; a slattern; a frow.
  2. A cleaving tool for splitting cask staves and shingles from a block of wood.




  1. (Canada, offensive) A French-speaking person from Quebec.
  2. (Cockney rhyming slang) Road. Shorter, more common form of frog and toad.
  3. (fishing) A type of fishing lure that resembles a frog.
  4. (music) The part of a violin bow (or that of other similar string instruments such as the viola, cello and contrabass) located at the end held by the player, to which the horsehair is attached.
  5. (offensive) A French person.
  6. (politics, slang, derogatory, Malaysia) defector: a politician who simply switches between different political parties.
  7. (rail transport) The part of a railway switch or turnout where the running-rails cross (from the resemblance to the frog in a horse’s hoof).
  8. A leather or fabric loop used to attach a sword or bayonet, or its scabbard, to a waist or shoulder belt.
  9. An organ on the bottom of a horse’s hoof that assists in the circulation of blood.
  10. An ornate fastener for clothing consisting of an oblong button (covered with netted thread), toggle, or knot, that fits through a loop.
  11. Any of a class of small tailless amphibians of the order Anura that typically hop.
  12. The depression in the upper face of a pressed or handmade clay brick.


  1. (transitive) To unravel part of (a knitted garment) while knitting it in order to correct a mistake.
  2. (transitive, biology) To use a pronged plater to transfer (cells) to another plate.
  3. (transitive, cooking) To spatchcock (a chicken).
  4. To hunt or trap frogs.
  5. To ornament or fasten a coat, etc. with frogs.





  1. (MLE) Indicates a starting state of the predicament of the subject. Synonym of since being
  2. (mathematics, chiefly Britain, not in formal use) Denoting a subtraction operation.
  3. Indicating a starting point in time.
  4. Indicating a starting point on a range or scale.
  5. Indicating a starting point on an array or gamut of conceptual variations.
  6. Indicating differentiation.
  7. Indicating exclusion.
  8. Indicating removal or separation.
  9. Originating at (a year, time, etc.)
  10. Produced with or out of (a substance or material).
  11. Used to indicate a starting point or initial reference.
  12. Used to indicate causation; because of, as a result of.
  13. Used to indicate source or provenance.
  14. With reference to the location or position of a speaker or other observer or vantage point.




  1. A sexual act in which two males rub each other's penises with their penis.


  1. (archaic) To rub, chafe.
  2. (slang) To rub one's genitals – usually the penis – against another person for sexual gratification.
  3. (tanning) To work leather by rubbing.




  1. (now chiefly dialectal) Brittle; tender; crisp


  1. (obsolete) A big, fat woman; a slovenly, coarse, or untidy woman; a woman of low character.
  2. (obsolete) A slovenly woman; a wench; a lusty woman.
  3. A cleaving tool with handle at right angles to the blade, for splitting cask staves and shingles from the block; a frower.
  4. A woman; a wife, especially a Dutch or German one.
  5. Alternative spelling of froe (“cleaving tool”)





  1. A fish, the ide, Leuciscus idus.





  1. (informal) Clipping of professor.
  2. (informal) Clipping of profit.



Proper noun

  1. A town in Oklahoma.




  1. (transitive) To apply the Rolfing massage technique to.




  1. (architecture) The external covering at the top of a building.
  2. (climbing) An overhanging rock wall.
  3. (mining) The surface or bed of rock immediately overlying a bed of coal or a flat vein.
  4. The top external level of a building.
  5. The upper part of a cavity.


  1. (transitive) To cover or furnish with a roof.
  2. (transitive) To shelter as if under a roof.
  3. (transitive, slang) To put into prison, to bird.
  4. To traverse buildings by walking or climbing across their roofs.