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English 5 letter words - Containing letters rnht - page 1

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Flash Deals (EN)




  1. (colloquial) More or greater than.
  2. (ecclesiastical) Designating, or situated in, the liturgical north (in a church, the direction to the left-hand side of a person facing the altar).
  3. (meteorology) Of wind, from the north.
  4. Of or pertaining to the north; northern.
  5. Pertaining to the part of a corridor used by northbound traffic.
  6. Toward the north; northward.


  1. Toward the north; northward; northerly.


  1. (ecclesiastical) In a church: the direction to the left-hand side of a person facing the altar.
  2. (physics) The positive or north pole of a magnet, which seeks the magnetic pole near Earth's geographic North Pole (which, for its magnetic properties, is a south pole).
  3. Alternative letter-case form of North (“a northern region; the inhabitants thereof”).
  4. One of the four principal compass points, specifically 0° (being directed towards the North Pole); conventionally upwards on a map.
  5. The up or positive direction.


  1. (obsolete, intransitive) To turn or move toward the north.




  1. (botany) A sharp protective spine of a plant.
  2. (figurative) That which pricks or annoys; anything troublesome.
  3. A letter of Latin script (capital: Þ, small: þ), borrowed from the futhark; today used only in Icelandic to represent the voiceless dental fricative, but originally used in several early Germanic scripts, including Old English where it represented the dental fricatives that are today written th (Old English did not have phonemic voicing distinctions for fricatives).
  4. Any shrub or small tree that bears thorns, especially a hawthorn.


  1. To pierce with, or as if with, a thorn (sharp pointed object).