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English 4 letter words - Containing letters rnbu - page 1

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  1. (Northern England, Scotland) A stream.
  2. (aerospace) The firing of a spacecraft's rockets in order to change its course.
  3. (computing) The writing of data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.
  4. (slang) An effective insult, often in the expression sick burn (excellent or badass insult).
  5. (slang) An intense non-physical sting, as left by shame or an effective insult.
  6. (uncountable) A disease in vegetables; brand.
  7. (uncountable, UK, chiefly prison slang) Tobacco.
  8. A physical injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals.
  9. A sensation resembling such an injury.
  10. Physical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise, caused by build-up of lactic acid.
  11. The act of burning something with fire.
  12. The operation or result of burning or baking, as in brickmaking.


  1. (chemistry, dated) To combine energetically, with evolution of heat.
  2. (chemistry, transitive) To cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat; to consume; to oxidize.
  3. (intransitive) To be consumed by fire, or in flames.
  4. (intransitive) To be hot, e.g. due to embarrassment.
  5. (intransitive) To become overheated to the point of being unusable.
  6. (intransitive, curling) To accidentally touch a moving stone.
  7. (intransitive, physics, of an element) To be converted to another element in a nuclear fusion reaction, especially in a star.
  8. (intransitive, slang, card games, gambling) To discard.
  9. (photography) To increase the exposure for certain areas of a print in order to make them lighter (compare dodge).
  10. (transitive) To cause to be consumed by fire.
  11. (transitive) To consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat; to affect as fire or heat does.
  12. (transitive) To injure (a person or animal) with heat or chemicals that produce similar damage.
  13. (transitive) To make or produce by the application of fire or burning heat.
  14. (transitive) To overheat so as to make unusable.
  15. (transitive) To waste (time); to waste money or other resources.
  16. (transitive, card games) In pontoon, to swap a pair of cards for another pair, or to deal a dead card.
  17. (transitive, computing) To write data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.
  18. (transitive, computing, by extension) To render subtitles into a video's content while transcoding it, making the subtitles part of the image.
  19. (transitive, espionage) To blackmail.
  20. (transitive, espionage) To compromise (an agent's cover story).
  21. (transitive, intransitive) To sunburn.
  22. (transitive, slang) To betray.
  23. (transitive, slang) To insult or defeat.
  24. (transitive, slang) To shoot someone with a firearm.
  25. (transitive, surgery) To cauterize.
  26. In certain games, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought.