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a : 44.83%

o : 24.14%

i : 17.24%

u : 17.24%

e : 17.24%

s : 17.24%

k : 13.79%

t : 10.34%

h : 6.90%

y : 6.90%

n : 6.90%

d : 3.45%

m : 3.45%

p : 3.45%

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Total results: 29

Flash Deals (EN)




  1. African

Proper noun

  1. Africa






  1. (collective or plural) Handmade items, especially domestic or decorative objects; handicrafts .
  2. (countable) A trade or profession as embodied in its practitioners collectively; the members of a trade or handicraft as a body; an association of these; a trade's union, guild, or ‘company’ .
  3. (countable, fishing) Implements used in catching fish, such as net, line, or hook. Modern use primarily in whaling, as in harpoons, hand-lances, etc. .
  4. (countable, obsolete in the general sense) A work or product of art .
  5. (countable, obsolete) A device, a means; a magical device, spell or enchantment .
  6. (countable, obsolete) Learning of the schools, scholarship; a branch of learning or knowledge, a science, especially one of the ‘seven liberal arts’ of the medieval universities .
  7. (countable, plural crafts) A branch of skilled work or trade, especially one requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill, but sometimes applied equally to any business, calling or profession; the skilled practice of a practical occupation .
  8. (figurative) A woman.
  9. (nautical) Boats, especially of smaller size than ships. Historically primarily applied to vessels engaged in loading or unloading of other vessels, as lighters, hoys, and barges.
  10. (nautical, British Royal Navy) Those vessels attendant on a fleet, such as cutters, schooners, and gun-boats, generally commanded by lieutenants.
  11. (obsolete) Occult art, magic .
  12. (uncountable) Skill, skilfulness, art, especially the skill needed for a particular profession .
  13. (uncountable, obsolete) Strength; power; might; force .
  14. Ability, skilfulness, especially skill in making plans and carrying them into execution; dexterity in managing affairs, adroitness, practical cunning; ingenuity in constructing, dexterity .
  15. Cunning, art, skill, or dexterity applied to bad purposes; artifice; guile; subtlety; shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception .


  1. (video games) To combine multiple items to form a new item, such as armour or medicine.
  2. To construct, develop something (like a skilled craftsman).
  3. To make by hand and with much skill.





  1. (archaic) A carafe.
  2. A cave or cavern.
  3. An enclosed piece of land, usually small and arable and used for small-scale food production, and often with a dwelling next to it; in particular, such a piece of land rented to a farmer (a crofter), especially in Scotland, together with a right to use separate pastureland shared by other crofters.
  4. An underground chamber; a crypt, an undercroft.


  1. (intransitive) To do agricultural work on one or more crofts.
  2. (transitive, archaic) To place (cloth, etc.) on the ground in the open air in order to sun and bleach it.




  1. plural of curf




  1. (obsolete) A blow in the face, as in boxing; hence, any severe or stunning check or defeat, as in controversy.
  2. (obsolete) One who faces; one who puts on a false show; a bold-faced person.
  3. An unexpected and stunning blow or defeat.




  1. (cooking) Forcemeat, stuffing.
  2. (countable) A motion picture or play featuring this style of humor.
  3. (uncountable) A ridiculous or empty show.
  4. (uncountable) A situation abounding with ludicrous incidents.
  5. (uncountable) A style of humor marked by broad improbabilities with little regard to regularity or method.


  1. (transitive) To stuff with forcemeat or other food items.
  2. (transitive, figurative) To fill full; to stuff.
  3. (transitive, obsolete) To make fat.
  4. (transitive, obsolete) To swell out; to render pompous.
  5. Alternative form of farse (“to insert vernacular paraphrases into (a Latin liturgy)”)





  1. The horse disease glanders, especially its cutaneous form.







  1. (countable) A group that aims to attack, control, or constrain.
  2. (countable) A magic trick in which the outcome is known to the magician beforehand, especially one involving the apparent free choice of a card by another person.
  3. (countable) Anything that is able to make a substantial change in a person or thing.
  4. (countable, Northern England) A waterfall or cascade.
  5. (countable, physics) A physical quantity that denotes ability to push, pull, twist or accelerate a body and which has a direction and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass × distance/time² (ML/T²): SI: newton (N); CGS: dyne (dyn)
  6. (humorous or science fiction, with the, often capitalized) A metaphysical and ubiquitous power from the fictional Star Wars universe created by George Lucas. See usage note.
  7. (law) Either unlawful violence, as in a "forced entry", or lawful compulsion.
  8. (law) Legal validity.
  9. (linguistics, semantics, pragmatics) Ability of an utterance or its element (word, form, prosody, ...) to effect a given meaning.
  10. (uncountable) The ability to attack, control, or constrain.
  11. (usually with "the", in the singular or plural) Synonym of police force
  12. Power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion.
  13. Something or anything that has the power to produce a physical effect upon something else, such as causing it to move or change shape.
  14. Strength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigour; might; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect.


  1. (archaic) To provide with forces; to reinforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison.
  2. (archaic) To put in force; to cause to be executed; to make binding; to enforce.
  3. (obsolete) To allow the force of; to value; to care for.
  4. (obsolete, reflexive, intransitive) To exert oneself, to do one's utmost.
  5. (transitive) To cause to occur (despite inertia, resistance etc.); to produce through force.
  6. (transitive) To compel (someone or something) to do something.
  7. (transitive) To constrain by force; to overcome the limitations or resistance of.
  8. (transitive) To drive (something) by force, to propel (generally + prepositional phrase or adverb).
  9. (transitive) To forcibly open (a door, lock etc.).
  10. (transitive) To violate (a woman); to rape.
  11. (transitive, baseball) To create an out by touching a base in advance of a runner who has no base to return to while in possession of a ball which has already touched the ground.
  12. (whist) To compel (an adversary or partner) to trump a trick by leading a suit that he/she does not hold.
  13. To obtain or win by strength; to take by violence or struggle; specifically, to capture by assault; to storm, as a fortress.
  14. To stuff; to lard; to farce.






  1. Alternative form of freck


  1. (oil industry) To employ hydraulic fracturing (fracking).




  1. (obsolete) To break; to violate.




  1. A former unit of currency of France, Belgium and Luxembourg, replaced by the euro.
  2. Any of several units of currency, some of which are multi-national (West African CFA Franc (XOF), Central African CFA Franc (XAF), the Swiss franc (CHF)) while others are national currencies.





  1. (Scotland) prompt; eager


  1. (transitive, rare, poetic) To checker; to diversify.






  1. (dialectal) A frog.
  2. A dress, a piece of clothing, which consists of a skirt and a cover for the upper body.
  3. A sailor's jersey.
  4. An outer garment worn by priests and other clericals; a habit.
  5. An undress regimental coat.


  1. (US military, transitive) To grant to an officer the title and uniform of a rank he will soon be promoted to.
  2. (transitive) To clothe (somebody) in a frock.
  3. (transitive) To make (somebody) a cleric.





  1. (Scotland) A cormorant.
  2. (dated) A neckcloth or cravat.
  3. A dip or notch or cut made in the trunk of a tree to direct its fall when felling.
  4. A groove on one side of a sewing machine needle.
  5. A headscarf.
  6. A long, often knitted, garment worn around the neck.
  7. A type of joint in woodworking.
  8. Archaic form of scurf (“skin disease; skin flakes”).


  1. (transitive, US, slang) To eat very quickly.
  2. To dress with a scarf, or as with a scarf; to cover with a loose wrapping.
  3. To form a scarf on the end or edge of, as for a joint in timber, forming a "V" groove for welding adjacent metal plates, metal rods, etc.
  4. To shape by grinding.
  5. To throw on loosely; to put on like a scarf.
  6. To unite, as two pieces of timber or metal, by a scarf joint.





  1. (botany) Minute membranous scales on the surface of some leaves, as in the goosefoot.
  2. (figurative) The foul remains of anything adherent.
  3. (obsolete, slang) A low, mean person.
  4. A grey bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus).
  5. A skin disease.
  6. Any crust-like formations on the skin, or in general.
  7. The flakes of skin that fall off as a result of a skin disease.