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English 4 letter words - Containing letters plu - page 1

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a : 12.12%

e : 12.12%

s : 9.09%

g : 6.06%

r : 6.06%

b : 6.06%

m : 6.06%

o : 6.06%

i : 6.06%

v : 3.03%

k : 3.03%

j : 3.03%

c : 3.03%

y : 3.03%

d : 3.03%

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Total results: 33

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  1. An indication of (the sound of) an involuntary fear reaction in the form of a swallowing motion.


  1. (rare, computing) An unspecified small number of bytes, often two.
  2. The sound of swallowing, sometimes indicating fear.
  3. The usual amount swallowed.


  1. To react nervously by swallowing.
  2. To swallow eagerly, or in large draughts; to swallow up; to take down in one swallow.




  1. A mass of iron in a pasty condition gathered into a ball for the tilt hammer or rolls.




  1. (informal, as plural) A beating or verbal abuse.
  2. (obsolete, slang) Food given to a tramp to be eaten on the road.
  3. A dull or lazy person.
  4. A group, set, or unit.
  5. A kind of fish, the lumpsucker.
  6. A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel.
  7. A small, shaped mass of sugar, typically about a teaspoonful.
  8. A swelling or nodule of tissue under the skin or in an internal part of the body.
  9. Something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound or mass of no particular shape.


  1. (intransitive) To form a lump or lumps.
  2. (transitive) To bear (a heavy or awkward burden); to carry (something unwieldy) from one place to another.
  3. (transitive) To burden (someone) with an undesired task or responsibility.
  4. (transitive) To treat as a single unit; to group together in a casual or chaotic manner (as if forming an ill-defined lump of the items).
  5. (transitive, slang) To hit or strike (a person).




  1. The Pacific imperial pigeon (Ducula pacifica).





  1. An old Italian silver coin; a paolo.
  2. Archaic form of pawl.







  1. (US) A flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco.
  2. (US, slang) A high, tapering silk hat.
  3. (US, slang) A worthless horse.
  4. (aviation) A standard, modular fuselage component that can be added or removed.
  5. (construction) A block of wood let into a wall to afford a hold for nails.
  6. (dated) Any worn-out or useless article.
  7. (dated, slang) A book that fails to sell.
  8. (electricity) A pronged connecting device which fits into a mating socket, especially an electrical one.
  9. (fishing) A type of lure consisting of a rigid, buoyant or semi-buoyant body and one or more hooks.
  10. (geology) A body of once molten rock that hardened in a volcanic vent. Usually round or oval in shape.
  11. (horticulture) A small seedling grown in a tray from expanded polystyrene or polythene filled usually with a peat or compost substrate.
  12. (jewelry) A short cylindrical piece of jewellery commonly worn in larger-gauge body piercings, especially in the ear.
  13. (loosely) An electric socket: wall plug.
  14. (slang) A promotion (act of promoting) a product (such as a book, film or play) or other thing (concept, etc), for example during an interview or a commercial.
  15. A branch from a water-pipe to supply a hose.
  16. Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole.


  1. (intransitive, informal) To persist or continue with something.
  2. (slang, transitive) To have sex with, penetrate sexually.
  3. (slang, transitive) To ingest a drug rectally
  4. (transitive) To blatantly mention a particular product or service as if advertising it.
  5. (transitive) To shoot a bullet into something with a gun.
  6. (transitive) To stop with a plug; to make tight by stopping a hole.




  1. (comparable) Of a dark bluish-red colour.
  2. (not comparable) Choice; especially lavish or preferred.
  3. Plumb


  1. Completely; utterly.


  1. (derogatory, chiefly UK) A fool, an idiot.
  2. (now rare) A dried grape or raisin, as used in a pudding or cake.
  3. (now rare, archaic) One hundred thousand pounds; (generally) a fortune.
  4. (slang, usually in the plural) A testicle.
  5. A dark bluish-red color/colour, the colour of some plums.
  6. A desirable or choice thing of its kind; a prize selection; a choice appointment, assignment etc.
  7. A stone-fruit tree which bears this fruit, Prunus domestica.
  8. An edible, fleshy stone fruit of Prunus domestica (European plum), often of a dark red or purple colour.
  9. Prunus americana (American plum)
  10. Prunus angustifolia (Chickasaw plum or sand plum)
  11. Prunus cerasifera (cherry plum or myrobalan)
  12. Prunus hortulana (hortulan plum)
  13. Prunus mume, an Asian fruit more closely related to the apricot than the plum, usually consumed pickled, dried, or as a juice or wine; ume.
  14. Prunus nigra (Canadian plum or black plum)
  15. Prunus rivularis (creek plum or hog plum)
  16. Prunus salicina (Chinese plum or Japanese plum)
  17. Prunus sect. Armeniaca (better known as apricots)
  18. Prunus spinosa (sloe)
  19. Prunus subcordata (Klamath plum or Oregon plum)
  20. Prunus ursina (bear's plum)


  1. (mining) To plumb.






  1. (physics) Electrically positive.
  2. (postpositive) (Of a quantity) Equal to or greater than; or more; upwards.
  3. Being positive rather than negative or zero.
  4. Positive, or involving advantage.


  1. And also; in addition; besides (which).


  1. (arithmetic) A plus sign: +.
  2. A positive quantity.
  3. An asset or useful addition.


  1. (colloquial) With; having in addition.
  2. And; sum of the previous one and the following one.


  1. (homeopathy) To increase the potency of a remedy by diluting it in water and stirring.
  2. (informal) To add; to subject to addition.
  3. (often followed by 'up') To increase in magnitude.
  4. (optometry) To increase a correction.
  5. (psychology) To frame in a positive light; to provide a sympathetic interpretation.
  6. (sales) To sell additional related items with an original purchase.
  7. (social media, dated) To give a mark of approval on Google+.
  8. To improve.
  9. To provide critical feedback by giving suggestions for improvement rather than criticisms.






  1. (Southern Africa) Rain, used as an expression of greeting or good luck.
  2. The currency of Botswana, divided into 100 thebe.




  1. A Serbian cheese made from donkey milk.
  2. A plaintive melancholy whine.


  1. (intransitive) To pipe or chirp.
  2. (intransitive) To whimper or whine.




  1. One of a breed of Hungarian sheepdog with a distinctive thick, corded coat.





  1. A small sled, used for man-hauling supplies across snow and ice.




  1. (sports) Command used by a target shooter to request that the target be released/launched.


  1. (Internet, uncountable) The situation where a client sends out a request for data from a server, as in server pull, pull technology
  2. (colloquial) The act of drinking; a mouthful or swig of a drink.
  3. (cricket) A type of stroke by which a leg ball is sent to the off side, or an off ball to the on side; a pull shot.
  4. (dated) A contest; a struggle.
  5. (figurative, by extension) An advantage over somebody; a means of influencing.
  6. (golf) A mishit shot which travels in a straight line and (for a right-handed player) left of the intended path.
  7. (obsolete, poetic) Loss or violence suffered.
  8. (printing) A proof sheet.
  9. (printing, historical) A single impression from a handpress.
  10. (slang, dated) Something in one's favour in a comparison or a contest.
  11. (uncountable, informal) The power to influence someone or something; sway, clout.
  12. A journey made by rowing.
  13. An act of pulling (applying force toward oneself).
  14. An attractive force which causes motion towards the source.
  15. An injury resulting from a forceful pull on a limb, etc.; a strain.
  16. Any device meant to be pulled, as a lever, knob, handle, or rope.
  17. Appeal or attraction (e.g. of a movie star).


  1. (UK) To draw beer from a pump, keg, or other source.
  2. (UK) To score a certain number of points in a sport.
  3. (construction) To obtain (a permit) from a regulatory authority.
  4. (cricket, golf) To strike the ball in a particular manner. (See noun sense.)
  5. (horse-racing) To hold back, and so prevent from winning.
  6. (intransitive) To row.
  7. (intransitive) To take a swig or mouthful of drink.
  8. (now chiefly Scotland, England and US regional) To pluck or pick (flowers, fruit etc.).
  9. (printing, dated) To take or make (a proof or impression); so called because hand presses were worked by pulling a lever.
  10. (rail transportation, US, of a railroad car) To pull out from a yard or station; to leave.
  11. (transitive) To attract or net; to pull in.
  12. (transitive) To remove (something), especially from public circulation or availability.
  13. (transitive) To retrieve or generate for use.
  14. (transitive) To strain (a muscle, tendon, ligament, etc.).
  15. (transitive, informal) To do or perform.
  16. (transitive, intransitive) To apply a force to (an object) so that it comes toward the person or thing applying the force.
  17. (transitive, intransitive, UK, Ireland, slang) To persuade (someone) to have sex with one: to be 'on the pull' - looking for a sexual partner.
  18. (transitive, rowing) To achieve by rowing on a rowing machine.
  19. (video games, transitive, intransitive) To draw (a hostile non-player character) into combat, or toward or away from some location or target.
  20. (with 'a' and the name of a person, place, event, etc.) To copy or emulate the actions or behaviour that is associated with the person or thing mentioned.
  21. To draw apart; to tear; to rend.
  22. To gather with the hand, or by drawing toward oneself; to pluck.
  23. To toss a frisbee with the intention of launching the disc across the length of a field.




  1. (fiction) Of or pertaining to pulp magazines; in the style of a pulp magazine or the material printed within such a publication.


  1. A magazine or book containing lurid subject matter and characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper.
  2. A mass of chemically processed wood fibres (cellulose).
  3. A mixture of wood, cellulose and/or rags and water ground up to make paper.
  4. A suspension of mineral particles, typically achieved by some form of agitation.
  5. The soft center of a fruit.
  6. The soft center of a tooth.
  7. The very soft tissue in the spleen.


  1. (transitive) To deprive of pulp; to separate the pulp from.
  2. (transitive, intransitive) To make or be made into pulp.
  3. (transitive, slang) To beat to a pulp.




  1. plural of pul




  1. A silky material obtained from the fibres of Cibotium glaucum, a tree fern of Hawaii.






  1. (UK, dialect) A tern.
  2. (archaic) Ale or beer spiced with wormwood or other bitter herbs, regarded as a tonic.
  3. (archaic) Hot beer mixed with gin, sugar, and spices.
  4. A circle made by the motion of a fluid; an eddy; a ripple.
  5. A gentle murmuring sound, such as that produced by the running of a liquid among obstructions.
  6. A particular stitch in knitting; an inversion of stitches giving the work a ribbed or waved appearance.
  7. An embroidered and puckered border; a hem or fringe, often of gold or silver twist; also, a pleat or fold, as of a band.
  8. The edge of lace trimmed with loops.
  9. a heavy or headlong fall; an upset.


  1. (archaic) To upset, to spin, capsize, fall heavily, fall headlong.
  2. (intransitive) To flow with a murmuring sound in swirls and eddies.
  3. (knitting) To use an inverted stitch producing ribbing etc.
  4. To decorate with fringe or embroidered edge
  5. To rise in circles, ripples, or undulations; to curl; to mantle.

