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  1. (medicine) An envelope, or wrapping, of sheets used in hydropathic practice, called dry pack, wet pack, cold pack, etc., according to the method of treatment.
  2. (roller derby) The largest group of blockers from both teams skating in close proximity.
  3. (rugby) The forwards in a rugby team (eight in Rugby Union, six in Rugby League) who with the opposing pack constitute the scrum.
  4. (slang) A loose, lewd, or worthless person.
  5. (snooker, pool) A tight group of object balls in cue sports. Usually the reds in snooker.
  6. A bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back, but also a load for an animal, a bale.
  7. A bundle of sheet iron plates for rolling simultaneously.
  8. A flock of knots.
  9. A full set of playing cards
  10. A group of Cub Scouts.
  11. A group of hounds or dogs, hunting or kept together.
  12. A group of people associated or leagued in a bad design or practice; a gang.
  13. A large area of floating pieces of ice driven together more or less closely.
  14. A number or quantity equal to the contents of a pack
  15. A number or quantity of connected or similar things; a collective.
  16. A shook of cask staves.
  17. A wolfpack: a number of wolves, hunting together.
  18. The assortment of playing cards used in a particular game.


  1. (intransitive) To depart in haste; – generally with off or away.
  2. (intransitive) To form a compact mass, especially in order for transportation.
  3. (intransitive) To make up packs, bales, or bundles; to stow articles securely for transportation.
  4. (intransitive) To put together for morally wrong purposes; to join in cahoots.
  5. (intransitive, LGBT, of a drag king, trans man, etc.) To wear an object, such as a prosthetic penis, inside one’s trousers to appear more male or masculine.
  6. (intransitive, of animals) To gather together in flocks, herds, schools or similar groups of animals.
  7. (intransitive, rugby, of the forwards in a rugby team) To play together cohesively, specially with reference to their technique in the scrum.
  8. (transitive) To bring together or make up unfairly, in order to secure a certain result.
  9. (transitive) To cause to go; to send away with baggage or belongings; especially, to send away peremptorily or suddenly; – sometimes with off. See pack off.
  10. (transitive) To contrive unfairly or fraudulently; to plot.
  11. (transitive) To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation; hence, to fill closely or to repletion; to stow away within; to cause to be full; to crowd into.
  12. (transitive) To load with a pack
  13. (transitive) To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place and arrange compactly as in a pack
  14. (transitive) To make impervious, such as by filling or surrounding with suitable material, or to fit or adjust so as to move without allowing air, water, or steam inside.
  15. (transitive) To wrap in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings.
  16. (transitive, US, chiefly Western US) To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (on the backs of men or animals).
  17. (transitive, card games) To sort and arrange (the cards) in the pack to give oneself an unfair advantage
  18. (transitive, figurative) to load; to encumber.
  19. (transitive, historical) To combine (telegraph messages) in order to send them more cheaply as a single transmission.
  20. (transitive, slang) To carry weapons, especially firearms, on one's person.
  21. (transitive, sports, slang) To block a shot, especially in basketball.




  1. (UK, slang, obsolete) Food.
  2. A great deal; a large or excessive quantity.
  3. A small kiss.
  4. An act of striking with a beak.
  5. Discoloration caused by fungus growth or insects.
  6. Misspelling of pec.
  7. One quarter of a bushel; a dry measure of eight quarts.


  1. (rare) To type in general.
  2. (regional) To throw.
  3. (transitive) To form by striking with the beak or a pointed instrument.
  4. (transitive, intransitive) To strike or pierce with the beak or bill (of a bird).
  5. To do something in small, intermittent pieces.
  6. To kiss briefly.
  7. To lurch forward; especially, of a horse, to stumble after hitting the ground with the toe instead of the flat of the foot.
  8. To seize and pick up with the beak, or as if with the beak; to bite; to eat; often with up.
  9. To strike, pick, thrust against, or dig into, with a pointed instrument, especially with repeated quick movements.
  10. To type by searching for each key individually.




  1. (American football) An interception.
  2. (Australia) Pasture; feed, for animals.
  3. (art, painting) That which is picked in, as with a pointed pencil, to correct an unevenness in a picture.
  4. (baseball) A good defensive play by an infielder.
  5. (baseball) A pickoff.
  6. (basketball) A screen.
  7. (lacrosse) An offensive tactic in which a player stands so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate.
  8. (music) A tool used for strumming the strings of a guitar; a plectrum.
  9. (nautical, slang) An anchor.
  10. (obsolete) A pike or spike; the sharp point fixed in the center of a buckler.
  11. (printing, dated) A particle of ink or paper embedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and causing a spot on a printed sheet.
  12. (weaving) The blow that drives the shuttle, used in calculating the speed of a loom (in picks per minute); hence, in describing the fineness of a fabric, a weft thread.
  13. A choice; ability to choose.
  14. A comb with long widely spaced teeth, for use with tightly curled hair.
  15. A pointed hammer used for dressing millstones.
  16. A tool for unlocking a lock without the original key; a lock pick, picklock.
  17. A tool used for digging; a pickaxe.
  18. That which would be picked or chosen first; the best.


  1. (American football, informal) To intercept a pass from the offense as a defensive player.
  2. (basketball) To screen.
  3. (cricket) To recognise the type of ball being bowled by a bowler by studying the position of the hand and arm as the ball is released.
  4. (dated) To peck at, as a bird with its beak; to strike at with anything pointed; to act upon with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to prick, as with a pin.
  5. (music) To pluck the individual strings of a musical instrument or to play such an instrument.
  6. (obsolete) To throw; to pitch.
  7. (transitive) To seek (a fight or quarrel) where the opportunity arises.
  8. (transitive, intransitive) To separate or open by means of a sharp point or points.
  9. To decide upon, from a set of options; to select.
  10. To do anything fastidiously or carefully, or by attending to small things; to select something with care.
  11. To eat slowly, sparingly, or by morsels; to nibble.
  12. To grasp and pull with the fingers or fingernails.
  13. To harvest a fruit or vegetable for consumption by removing it from the plant to which it is attached; to harvest an entire plant by removing it from the ground.
  14. To open (a lock) with a wire, lock pick, etc.
  15. To pull apart or away, especially with the fingers; to pluck.
  16. To remove something from somewhere with a pointed instrument, with the fingers, or with the teeth.
  17. To steal; to pilfer.
  18. To take up; especially, to gather from here and there; to collect; to bring together.




  1. A pus-filled swelling on the surface on the skin caused by an eruptive disease.
  2. Any pit, especially one formed as a scar


  1. To scar or mark with pits




  1. (Ireland, rural) billy goat
  2. (chiefly Canada) An object shaped like a puck.
  3. (computing) A pointing device with a crosshair.
  4. (hurling, camogie) A penalty shot.
  5. (ice hockey) A hard rubber disc; any other flat disc meant to be hit across a flat surface in a game.
  6. (now rare) A mischievous or hostile spirit.
  7. (trampoline, gymnastics) A body position between the pike and tuck positions, with knees slightly bent and folded in; open tuck.


  1. (chiefly Ireland) To hit, strike.
