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English 4 letter words - Containing letters pfu - page 1

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  1. an exclamation indicating disagreement or rejection of an argument; contempt




  1. Onomatopoeia indicating a cloud of smoke or wind; caused by a deflating object, or a magical disappearance.


  1. (dated) A small saddle cushion worn atop the buttocks (as a fashion trend – similar to a bustle).
  2. (dressmaking) Part of an item of clothing consisting of gathered fabric in a bunch.
  3. (historical) A headdress for women popular in 18th century France.
  4. A ball of fabric (such as nylon monofilament netting) used for washing (as an alternative to a flannel, washcloth, sponge, etc.).
  5. A high hair style for women consisting of a roll or pad of hair, worn up.
  6. A low cushioned seat with no back; a padded footstool.
  7. A short skirt gathered into a rounded puffy shape; a puffball.
  8. Alternative form of poof
  9. Alternative form of puff


  1. (transitive) To make poufy or bouffant.




  1. (countable) A flamboyant or alluring statement of praise.
  2. (countable) A light cake filled with cream, cream cheese, etc.
  3. (countable) A sharp exhalation of a small amount of breath through the mouth.
  4. (countable) A small quantity of gas or smoke in the air.
  5. (countable) A sudden but small gust of wind, smoke, etc.
  6. (dated, slang) A puffer, one who is employed by the owner or seller of goods sold at auction to bid up the price; an act or scam of that type.
  7. (derogatory, slang, Britain, particularly northern UK) Synonym of poof: a male homosexual, especially an effeminate one.
  8. (genetics) A region of a chromosome exhibiting a local increase in diameter.
  9. (informal, countable) An act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe.
  10. (slang, dated, UK) Life.
  11. (uncountable) The ability to breathe easily while exerting oneself.
  12. (uncountable, slang) The drug cannabis.
  13. A portion of fabric gathered up so as to be left full in the middle.
  14. A powder puff.


  1. (intransitive) To emit smoke, gas, etc., in puffs.
  2. (intransitive) To pant.
  3. (transitive, archaic) To advertise.
  4. To blow as an expression of scorn.
  5. To breathe in a swelling, inflated, or pompous manner; hence, to assume importance.
  6. To cause to swell or dilate; to inflate.
  7. To drive with a puff, or with puffs.
  8. To inflate with pride, flattery, self-esteem, etc.; often with up.
  9. To praise with exaggeration; to flatter; to call public attention to by praises; to praise unduly.
  10. To repel with words; to blow at contemptuously.
  11. To swell with air; to be dilated or inflated.