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English 4 letter words - Containing letters peo - page 1

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  1. (construction) A covering piece on top of a wall exposed to the weather, usually made of metal, masonry, or stone, and sloped to carry off water.
  2. (foundry) The top part of a sand casting mold.
  3. (literary) The vault or canopy of the skies, heavens etc.
  4. (slang) A coping mechanism or self-delusion one clings to in order to endure the hopelessness or despair of existence.
  5. A long, loose cloak worn by a priest, deacon, or bishop when presiding over a ceremony other than the Mass.
  6. An ancient tribute due to the lord of the soil, out of the lead mines in Derbyshire, England.
  7. Any covering such as a canopy or a mantle.


  1. (falconry) To clip the beak or talons of a bird.
  2. (intransitive) To deal effectively with something, especially if difficult.
  3. (intransitive) To form a cope or arch; to arch or bend; to bow.
  4. (obsolete) To bargain for; to buy.
  5. (obsolete) To encounter; to meet; to have to do with.
  6. (obsolete) To exchange or barter.
  7. (obsolete) To make return for; to requite; to repay.
  8. (obsolete) To match oneself against; to meet; to encounter.
  9. (obsolete, dialect) To tie or sew up the mouth of a ferret used for hunting rabbits.
  10. (obsolete, figuratively) To silence or prevent from speaking.
  11. (transitive) To cover (a joint or structure) with coping.
  12. To cut and form a mitred joint in wood or metal.




  1. (slang) Amazing; cool.


  1. (US, Ohio) Dessert topping.
  2. (countable, slang) A stupid person.
  3. (uncountable) An absorbent material used to hold a liquid.
  4. (uncountable) Any viscous liquid or paste, such as a lubricant, used in preparing a surface.
  5. (uncountable, aeronautics) Any varnish used to coat a part, such as an airplane wing or a hot-air balloon in order to waterproof, strengthen, etc.
  6. (uncountable, fireams) Ballistic data on previously fired rounds, used to calculate the required hold over a target.
  7. (uncountable, slang) Any illicit or narcotic drug that produces euphoria or satisfies an addiction; particularly heroin.
  8. (uncountable, slang) Information, usually from an inside source, originally in horse racing and other sports.


  1. (intransitive, now chiefly sports) To use drugs; especially, to use prohibited performance-enhancing drugs in sporting competitions.
  2. (slang, transitive, dated) To judge or guess; to predict the result of.
  3. (transitive) To treat with dope (lubricant, etc.).
  4. (transitive, electronics) To add a dopant such as arsenic to (a pure semiconductor such as silicon).
  5. (transitive, slang) To affect with drugs.





  1. (obsolete) An epic.
  2. The tuber of any one of several edible species of Perideridia spp.





  1. An expediter; a restaurant worker who prepares food to be taken to tables.
  2. An exposition.




  1. (Christianity, uncountable) The virtuous desire for future good.
  2. (Northern England, Scotland) A hollow; a valley, especially the upper end of a narrow mountain valley when it is nearly encircled by smooth, green slopes; a combe.
  3. (Scotland) A small bay; an inlet; a haven.
  4. (countable or uncountable) The feeling of trust, confidence, belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen.
  5. (countable) A person or thing that is a source of hope.
  6. (countable) The actual thing wished for.
  7. A sloping plain between mountain ridges.


  1. (intransitive) To place confidence; to trust with confident expectation of good; usually followed by in.
  2. (intransitive, transitive) To want something to happen, with a sense of expectation that it might.
  3. (transitive, dialectal, nonstandard) To wish.
  4. To be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes.




  1. An easy pace with long strides.


  1. (obsolete, intransitive) To jump, leap.
  2. To travel an easy pace with long strides.




  1. (archaic) A dull, spiritless person.
  2. (pornography industry) A bottom feeder who "mopes" around a pornography studio hoping for his big break and often does bit parts in exchange for room and board and meager pay.
  3. The act of moping


  1. (intransitive) To carry oneself in a depressed, lackadaisical manner; to give oneself up to low spirits; to pout, sulk.
  2. (transitive) To make spiritless and stupid.




  1. (East Midlands and Northern England) A blow to the head.
  2. (archaic, except near Staffordshire) A bullfinch.
  3. (informal) A negative reply, no.
  4. (slang) An intensely undesirable thing, such as a circumstance or an animal, eliciting immediate repulsion without possibility of further consideration.


  1. (informal, often emphatic) No.


  1. (archaic, East Midlands and Northern England) To hit someone on the head.





  1. Originally, a leather flask or vessel for oils or liquids; afterward, an earthenware vase or pitcher without a spout.





  1. simple past tense and past participle of ope





  1. (business) Not fulfilled.
  2. (comparable) Receptive.
  3. (computing, education) Made public, usable with a free licence and without proprietary components.
  4. (computing, not comparable, of a file, document, etc.) In current use; mapped to part of memory.
  5. (computing, used before "code") Source code of a computer program that is not within the text of a macro being generated.
  6. (electricity, of a switch or circuit breaker) To be in a position preventing electricity from flowing.
  7. (engineering, gas and liquid flow, of valve or damper) To be in a position allowing fluid to flow.
  8. (graph theory, of a walk) Whose first and last vertices are different.
  9. (law, of correspondence) Written or sent with the intention that it may made public or referred to at any trial, rather than by way of confidential private negotiation for a settlement.
  10. (mathematics, logic, of a formula) Having a free variable.
  11. (mathematics, topology, of a set) Which is part of a predefined collection of subsets of X, that defines a topological space on X.
  12. (medicine) Resulting from an incision, puncture or any other process by which the skin no longer protects an internal part of the body.
  13. (music) Of a note, played without closing any finger-hole, key or valve.
  14. (music, stringed instruments) Of a note, played without pressing the string against the fingerboard.
  15. (not comparable) Actively conducting or prepared to conduct business.
  16. (not comparable) Candid, ingenuous, not subtle in character.
  17. (not comparable) Public
  18. (not comparable) With open access, of open science, or both.
  19. (now regional) Mild (of the weather); free from frost or snow.
  20. (of a body part) not covered, showing what is inside
  21. (of a multi-word compound) Having component words separated by spaces, as opposed to being joined together or hyphenated; for example, time slot as opposed to timeslot or time-slot.
  22. (phonetics) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs; said of vowels.
  23. (phonetics) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure.
  24. (phonetics, of a syllable) That ends in a vowel; not having a coda.
  25. Able to be accessed (physically).
  26. Able to have something pass through or along it.
  27. Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing waterways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or inclement; mild; used of the weather or the climate.
  28. Not physically drawn together, closed, folded or contracted; extended.
  29. Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not closed or withdrawn from consideration.


  1. (electronics) A defect in an electrical circuit preventing current from flowing.
  2. (with the) Open or unobstructed space; an exposed location.
  3. (with the) Public knowledge or scrutiny; full view.
  4. A sports event in which anybody can compete.
  5. The act of something being opened, such as an e-mail message.


  1. (Manglish, Philippines) To turn on; to switch on.
  2. (computing, transitive, intransitive, of a file, document, etc.) To load into memory for viewing or editing.
  3. (intransitive) To become open.
  4. (intransitive) To begin conducting business.
  5. (intransitive, cricket) To begin a side's innings as one of the first two batsmen.
  6. (intransitive, poker) To bet before any other player has in a particular betting round in a game of poker.
  7. (obsolete) To disclose; to reveal; to interpret; to explain.
  8. (transitive) To bring up, broach.
  9. (transitive) To enter upon, begin.
  10. (transitive) To make (an open space, etc.) by clearing away an obstacle or obstacles, in order to allow for passage, access, or visibility.
  11. (transitive) To make accessible to customers or clients.
  12. (transitive) To make something accessible or allow for passage by moving from a shut position.
  13. (transitive) To spread; to expand into an open or loose position.
  14. (transitive) To start (a campaign).
  15. (transitive, intransitive, electricity, of a switch, fuse or circuit breaker) To move to a position preventing electricity from flowing.
  16. (transitive, intransitive, engineering, gas and liquid flow, of valve or damper) To move to a position allowing fluid to flow.
  17. (transitive, intransitive, poker) To reveal one's hand.
  18. (transitive, nursing) To make (a bed) ready for a patient by folding back the bedcovers.





  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ope





  1. (India, historical) A messenger, foot soldier, or native policeman.
  2. (figurative) A person of low rank or importance.
  3. A lowly person; a peasant or serf; a labourer who is obliged to do menial work.




  1. A fruit of plants of the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, possessing a hard rind and producing many seeds in a single, central, pulpy chamber.
  2. A plant producing such a fruit.





  1. (historical) A former unit of currency in Spain and Spain's colonies, worth 8 reales; the Spanish dollar.
  2. The circulating currency of various Spanish-speaking American countries (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Uruguay) and the Philippines.





  1. A literary piece written in verse.
  2. A piece of poetic writing, that is with an intensity or depth of expression or inspiration greater than is usual in prose.
  3. A piece of writing in the tradition of poetry, an instance of poetry.




  1. A person who writes poems.
  2. A person with a creative or romantic imagination.




  1. (Hawaii) Slices or cubes of raw fish or other raw seafood, mixed with sesame oil, seaweed, sea salt, herbs, spices, or other flavorful ingredients.
  2. (Scotland, Northern Ireland) An ice cream cone.
  3. (US) A device to prevent an animal from leaping or breaking through fences, consisting of a yoke with a pole inserted, pointed forward.
  4. (US, slang) A lazy person; a dawdler.
  5. (US, slang) A stupid or uninteresting person.
  6. (baseball, slang) A hit, especially an extra base hit.
  7. (computing, dated) The storage of a value in a memory address, typically to modify the behaviour of a program or to cheat at a video game.
  8. (dialectal) Pokeweed.
  9. (informal, social media) A notification sent to get another user's attention on social media or an instant messenger.
  10. (now regional) A sack or bag.
  11. 1605, William Camden, Remaines Concerning Brittaine, 1629 edition, Proverbes, page 276:
  12. 1627, Michael Drayton, Minor Poems of Michael Drayton, 1907 edition, poem Nimphidia:
  13. 1814, September 4, The Examiner, volume 13, number 349, article French Fashions, page 573:
  14. 2008, James Kelman, Kieron Smith, Boy, Penguin 2009, page 138:
  15. A long, wide sleeve.
  16. A poke bonnet.
  17. A prod, jab, or thrust.
  18. An old, worn-out horse.


  1. (figuratively) To rummage; to feel or grope around.
  2. (transitive) To put a poke (device to prevent leaping or breaking fences) on (an animal).
  3. (transitive) To thrust (something) in a particular direction such as the tongue.
  4. (transitive) To thrust at with the horns; to gore.
  5. (transitive, computing, dated) To modify the value stored in (a memory address).
  6. (transitive, informal, social media) To notify (another user) of activity on social media or an instant messenger.
  7. (transitive, slang, vulgar) To penetrate in sexual intercourse.
  8. To prod or jab with an object such as a finger or a stick.
  9. To stir up a fire to remove ash or promote burning.




  1. (US, African-American Vernacular, slang) A gun.
  2. (complex analysis) For a meromorphic function f(z), any point a for which f(z)→∞ as z→a.
  3. (electricity) A contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves.
  4. (fishing) A type of basic fishing rod.
  5. (geometry) A fixed point relative to other points or lines.
  6. (historical) A unit of length, equal to a rod (¹⁄₄ chain or 5+¹⁄₂ yards).
  7. (motor racing) Pole position.
  8. (obsolete) The firmament; the sky.
  9. (slang, spotting) A telescope used to identify birds, aeroplanes or wildlife.
  10. (vulgar, slang) A penis.
  11. A construction by which an animal is harnessed to a carriage.
  12. A long sports implement used for pole-vaulting; now made of glassfiber or carbon fiber, formerly also metal, bamboo and wood have been used.
  13. A point of magnetic focus, especially each of the two opposing such points of a magnet (designated north and south).
  14. Either of the states that characterize a bipolar disorder.
  15. Either of the two points on the earth's surface around which it rotates; also, similar points on any other rotating object.
  16. Originally, a stick; now specifically, a long and slender piece of metal or (especially) wood, used for various construction or support purposes.


  1. (transitive) To convey on poles.
  2. (transitive) To furnish with poles for support.
  3. (transitive) To induce piezoelectricity in (a substance) by aligning the dipoles.
  4. (transitive) To stir, as molten glass, with a pole.
  5. (transitive, baseball) To strike (the ball) very hard.
  6. To identify something quite precisely using a telescope.
  7. To propel by pushing with poles, to push with a pole.




  1. (Roman Catholicism) A ball of silver or other metal, filled with hot water and used by a Roman Catholic priest in cold weather to warm his hands during the service.
  2. (botany) A type of fruit in which the often edible flesh arises from the swollen base of the flower and not from the carpels.


  1. (obsolete, intransitive) To grow to a head, or form a head in growing.




  1. (Southern US) A baked or fried cornbread (bread made of cornmeal), often made without milk or eggs.
  2. (card games, chiefly US) The last player to bet or play in turn.
  3. (law, historical) A writ in law used by the superior courts to remove cases from inferior courts.
  4. (law, historical) A writ to enforce appearance in court by attaching goods or requiring securities.




  1. (Britain) The ruffe, a small Eurasian freshwater fish (Gymnocephalus cernua); others of its genus.
  2. (Christianity, historical, obsolete) Any bishop of the early Christian church.
  3. (Coptic Church) An honorary title of the Coptic bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his church.
  4. (Eastern Orthodoxy) An honorary title of the Orthodox bishop of Alexandria as father and head of his autocephalous church.
  5. (Roman Catholicism and generally) An honorary title of the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome as father and head of his church, a sovereign of the Vatican city state.
  6. (Russian Orthodoxy) Alternative form of pop, a Russian Orthodox priest.
  7. (UK regional, Cumberland, Cornwall, Devon, Scotland) The Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica).
  8. (UK) An effigy of the pope traditionally burnt in Britain on Guy Fawkes' Day and (occasionally) at other times.
  9. (US regional) The painted bunting (Passerina ciris).
  10. (US, dialectal, obsolete) whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus).
  11. (US, dialectal, rare) nighthawk (Chordeiles minor).
  12. (US, obsolete) Pope Day, the present Guy Fawkes Day.
  13. (alcoholic beverages) Any mulled wine (traditionally including tokay) considered similar and superior to bishop.
  14. (by extension) Any similar head of a religion.
  15. (by extension, now often ironic) Any similarly absolute and 'infallible' authority.
  16. (rare) The red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana).
  17. (uncommon) A theocrat, a priest-king, including (at first especially) over the imaginary land of Prester John or (now) in figurative and alliterative uses.


  1. (intransitive or with 'it') To act as or like a pope.
  2. (intransitive, colloquial) To convert to Roman Catholicism.




  1. A tiny opening in the skin.
  2. By extension any small opening or interstice, especially one of many, or one allowing the passage of a fluid.


  1. to meditate or reflect in a steady way.
  2. to study meticulously; to go over again and again.




  1. (archaic) Common cold, head cold; catarrh.
  2. Affectation.
  3. Position, posture, arrangement (especially of the human body).


  1. (intransitive) To assume or maintain a pose; to strike an attitude.
  2. (intransitive) To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration.
  3. (now rare) To perplex or confuse (someone).
  4. (now rare) to puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.
  5. (obsolete) To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.
  6. (obsolete, transitive) To interrogate; to question.
  7. (obsolete, transitive) To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.
  8. (transitive) To ask; to set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).
  9. (transitive) To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).
  10. (transitive) To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.
  11. (transitive, in the phrase "to pose as") To falsely impersonate (another person or occupation) primarily for the purpose of accomplishing something or reaching a goal.




  1. (obsolete) To push, thrust.
  2. To poke (with a stick etc.).





  1. (countable, computing, informal) Clipping of repository (“storage location for files”).
  2. (countable, finance) A repurchase agreement: a type of derivative which allows a borrower to use a financial security as collateral for a cash loan at a fixed interest rate.
  3. (uncountable, informal) Repossession.


  1. (transitive, informal) repossess




  1. (Jainism) A unit of distance equivalent to the distance covered in six months by a god flying at ten million miles per second.
  2. (archaic) A unit of length equal to 20 feet.
  3. (baseball) A hard line drive.
  4. (ceramics) A long thin segment of soft clay, either extruded or formed by hand.
  5. (computer science) A data structure resembling a string, using a concatenation tree in which each leaf represents a character.
  6. (countable) An individual length of such material.
  7. (dated) A continuous stream.
  8. (in the plural) The small intestines.
  9. (jewelry) A necklace of at least 1 meter in length.
  10. (military, uncountable) A kind of chaff (material dropped to interfere with radar) consisting of foil strips with paper chutes attached.
  11. (nautical) Cordage of at least 1 inch in diameter, or a length of such cordage.
  12. (slang) Rohypnol.
  13. (slang, usually in the plural) Semen being ejaculated.
  14. (slang, vulgar) A shot of semen that a man releases during ejaculation.
  15. (uncountable) Thick strings, yarn, monofilaments, metal wires, or strands of other cordage that are twisted together to form a stronger line.
  16. (with "the") Death by hanging.
  17. A cohesive strand of something.


  1. (incel slang, intransitive) To commit suicide, particularly by hanging.
  2. (intransitive) To be formed into rope; to draw out or extend into a filament or thread.
  3. (intransitive) To climb by means of a rope or ropes.
  4. (transitive) To throw a rope (or something similar, e.g. a lasso, cable, wire, etc.) around (something).
  5. (transitive) To tie (something) with rope.
  6. My life is a mess; I might as well rope.




  1. A traditional Mexican food consisting of a masa base with various savory toppings.
  2. Obsolete form of soap.




  1. (India) A grove of trees.
  2. A mound-like Buddhist sepulchre, or memorial monument, often erected over a relic; a stupa.
  3. A small, grey, European shark, Galeorhinus galeus, that has rough skin and a long snout.


  1. (archaic) To drink excessively; to get drunk.