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English 4 letter words - Containing letters mrw - page 1

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  1. (archaic) Ardent, zealous.
  2. (archaic) Requiring arduous effort.
  3. (archaic, colloquial) Well off as to property, or in good circumstances; prosperous.
  4. (figurative) Communicating a sense of comfort, ease, or pleasantness
  5. Caring and friendly, of relations to another person.
  6. Close, often used in the context of a game in which "warm" and "cold" are used to indicate nearness to the goal.
  7. Fresh, of a scent; still able to be traced.
  8. Having a color in the red-orange-yellow part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
  9. Having a temperature slightly higher than usual, but still pleasant; mildly hot.


  1. (colloquial) The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a heating.


  1. (computing, transitive) To prepopulate (a cache) so that its contents are ready for other users.
  2. (intransitive) To become ardent or animated.
  3. (intransitive) To become warm, to heat up.
  4. (transitive with to) (sometimes in the form warm up) To favour increasingly.
  5. (transitive) To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal in; to enliven.
  6. (transitive) To make or keep warm.
  7. (transitive, colloquial) To beat or spank.
  8. (transitive, colloquial) To scold or abuse verbally.




  1. (anatomy) A muscular band in the tongue of some animals, such as dogs; the lytta.
  2. (anatomy) The lytta.
  3. (archaic) A type of wingless "dragon", especially a gigantic sea serpent.
  4. (computing) A self-replicating program that propagates through a network.
  5. (cricket) A graphical representation of the total runs scored in an innings.
  6. (fantasy, science fiction) Either a mythical "dragon" (especially wingless), a gigantic sea serpent, or a creature that resembles a Mongolian death worm.
  7. (figuratively) An internal tormentor; something that gnaws or afflicts one’s mind with remorse.
  8. (mathematics) A strip of linked tiles sharing parallel edges in a tiling.
  9. (obsolete) Any creeping or crawling animal, such as a snake, snail, or caterpillar.
  10. (preceded by definite article) A dance, or dance move, in which the dancer lies on the floor and undulates the body horizontally thereby moving forwards.
  11. A contemptible or devious being.
  12. A generally tubular invertebrate of the annelid phylum; an earthworm.
  13. A short revolving screw whose threads drive, or are driven by, a worm wheel or rack by gearing into its teeth.
  14. A spiral instrument or screw, often like a double corkscrew, used for drawing balls from firearms.
  15. Anything helical, especially the thread of a screw.
  16. More loosely, any of various tubular invertebrates resembling annelids but not closely related to them, such as velvet worms, acorn worms, flatworms, or roundworms.
  17. The condensing tube of a still, often curved and wound to save space.
  18. The spiral wire of a corkscrew.


  1. (intransitive) To move with one's body dragging the ground.
  2. (intransitive, figuratively) To work one's way by artful or devious means.
  3. (often followed by out) To effect, remove, drive, draw, or the like, by slow and secret means.
  4. (transitive) To clean by means of a worm; to draw a wad or cartridge from, as a firearm.
  5. (transitive) To cut the worm, or lytta, from under the tongue of (a dog, etc.) for the purpose of checking a disposition to gnaw, and formerly supposed to guard against canine madness.
  6. (transitive) To deworm (an animal).
  7. (transitive) To make (one's way) with a crawling motion.
  8. (transitive, figuratively) To work (one's way or oneself) (into) gradually or slowly; to insinuate.
  9. (transitive, figuratively, in “worm out of”) To drag out of, to get information that someone is reluctant or unwilling to give (through artful or devious means or by pleading or asking repeatedly).
  10. (transitive, nautical) To fill in the contlines of (a rope) before parcelling and serving.

