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English 4 letter words - Containing letters lat - page 1

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e : 18.03%

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u : 6.56%

b : 4.92%

o : 4.92%

d : 4.92%

w : 3.28%

f : 3.28%

c : 3.28%

h : 3.28%

n : 3.28%

p : 3.28%

m : 1.64%

k : 1.64%

x : 1.64%

g : 1.64%

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  1. Rose bengal dye worn by Indian women on the feet during festivals.




  1. (colloquial, music) An alto saxophone
  2. A musical part or section higher than tenor and lower than soprano, formerly the part that performed a countermelody above the tenor or main melody.
  3. A person or musical instrument that performs the alto part.




  1. plural of alt










  1. The Soviet system of connections and social relationships; one's social or business network (in Russian or Soviet society).


  1. (intransitive) To cry, as a calf or sheep; bleat.
  2. (intransitive) To make a senseless noise.
  3. (transitive) To utter loudly or foolishly; blurt.
  4. To produce an overrich or overblown sound on a brass instrument such as a trumpet, trombone, or tuba.
  5. To talk inconsiderately; blab.




  1. A clod of earth


  1. To dirty







  1. (authorship, figuratively, especially of a character) Lacking in depth, substance, or believability; underdeveloped; one-dimensional.
  2. (figurative) Lacking liveliness or action; depressed; uninteresting; dull and boring.
  3. (golf, of a golf club) Having a head at a very obtuse angle to the shaft.
  4. (grammar) Not having an inflectional ending or sign, such as a noun used as an adjective, or an adjective as an adverb, without the addition of a formative suffix; or an infinitive without the sign "to".
  5. (horticulture, of certain fruits) Flattening at the ends.
  6. (juggling, of a throw) Without spin; spinless.
  7. (music) Of a note or voice, lower in pitch than it should be.
  8. (music, note) Lowered by one semitone.
  9. (music, voice) Without variations in pitch.
  10. (not comparable, commerce) Of fees, fares etc., fixed; unvarying.
  11. (of a battery) Unable to emit power; dead.
  12. (of a carbonated drink) With all or most of its carbon dioxide having come out of solution so that the drink no longer fizzes or contains any bubbles.
  13. (of a tire or other inflated object) Deflated, especially because of a puncture.
  14. (of colours) Without variation in tone or hue (uniform), and dull (not glossy).
  15. (of measurements of time) Exact.
  16. (phonetics, dated, of a consonant) Sonant; vocal, as distinguished from a sharp (non-sonant) consonant.
  17. (slang) Having small or invisible breasts and/or buttocks.
  18. (wine) Lacking acidity without being sweet.
  19. Absolute; downright; peremptory.
  20. At a consistently depressed level; consistently lacklustre.
  21. Having no variations in height.
  22. In a horizontal line or plane; not sloping.
  23. Smooth; having no protrusions, indentations or other surface irregularities, or relatively so.
  24. Without variation in level, quantity, value, tone etc.


  1. (finance, slang) Without allowance for accrued interest.
  2. (of accurately measured timings) Exactly, precisely.
  3. (with units of time, distance, etc) Used to emphasize the smallness of the measurement.
  4. Bluntly.
  5. Completely.
  6. Directly; flatly.
  7. In the mile race, Smith's time was 3:58.56, and Brown's was four minutes flat.
  8. So as to be flat.


  1. (Australia, horse racing, with 'the' or attributively, sometimes with capital) the area in the centre of a racecourse.
  2. (chiefly Britain, New England, New Zealand and Australia, archaic elsewhere) An apartment, usually on one level and usually consisting of more than one room.
  3. (entomology) Any of various hesperiid butterflies that spread their wings open when they land.
  4. (gambling, slang) A cheater's die with the edges shaved to make certain rolls more likely.
  5. (geometry) A subset of n-dimensional space that is congruent to a Euclidean space of lower dimension.
  6. (historical) An early kind of toy soldier having a flat design.
  7. (horse racing, with 'the' or attributively, sometimes with capital) Level horse-racing ground, as contrasted with courses incorporating jumps, or the racing done on such ground.
  8. (in the phrase 'the flat') Level ground in general.
  9. (in the plural) A type of flat-soled running shoe without spikes.
  10. (in the plural) A type of ladies' shoe with a very low heel.
  11. (informal, automotive) A flat tyre/flat tire.
  12. (mail) A large mail piece measuring at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches, such as catalogs, magazines, and unfolded paper enclosed in large envelopes.
  13. (mining) A horizontal vein or ore deposit auxiliary to a main vein; also, any horizontal portion of a vein not elsewhere horizontal.
  14. (music) A note played a semitone lower than a natural, denoted by the symbol ♭ placed after the letter representing the note (e.g., B♭) or in front of the note symbol (e.g. ♭♪).
  15. (obsolete) A dull fellow; a simpleton.
  16. (optics) A flat (i.e. plane) mirror
  17. (painting) A thin, broad brush used in oil and watercolour painting.
  18. (publishing) A flat, glossy children's book with few pages.
  19. (rail transport, US) A railroad car without a roof, and whose body is a platform without sides; a platform car or flatcar.
  20. (swordfighting) The flat side of a blade, as opposed to the sharp edge.
  21. (technical, theatre, stagecraft) A rectangular wooden structure covered with masonite, lauan, or muslin, often produced in standard modules, that is used to build wall surfaces on stage. Flats can be painted and outfitted with doors and/or windows to depict a building or other part of a scene. It's a hard-surfaced alternative to a backcloth orbackdrop.
  22. A flat sheet for use on a bed.
  23. A flat-bottomed boat, without keel, and of small draught.
  24. A platform on a wheel, upon which emblematic designs etc. are carried in processions.
  25. A straw hat, broad-brimmed and low-crowned.
  26. A wide, shallow container or pallet.
  27. An area of level ground.
  28. Short for flat ride (“spinning amusement ride”).
  29. The palm of the hand, with the adjacent part of the fingers.


  1. (intransitive) To become flat or flattened; to sink or fall to an even surface.
  2. (intransitive) To dash, rush
  3. (intransitive, music, colloquial) To fall from the pitch.
  4. (poker slang) To make a flat call; to call without raising.
  5. (transitive) To dash or throw
  6. (transitive, dated) To make flat; to flatten; to level.
  7. (transitive, dated) To render dull, insipid, or spiritless; to depress.
  8. (transitive, music) To depress in tone, as a musical note; especially, to lower in pitch by half a tone.
  9. (transitive, obsolete) To beat or strike; pound




  1. Alternative form of gault




  1. (archaic) Lame, limping.


  1. (dated) Lameness; a limp.
  2. (rail transport) A minor railway station (usually unstaffed) in the United Kingdom.
  3. A cessation, either temporary or permanent.


  1. (intransitive) To be lame, faulty, or defective, as in connection with ideas, or in measure, or in versification.
  2. (intransitive) To limp; move with a limping gait.
  3. (intransitive) To stand in doubt whether to proceed, or what to do; hesitate; be uncertain; linger; delay; mammer.
  4. (intransitive) To stop either temporarily or permanently.
  5. (intransitive) To stop marching.
  6. (transitive) To bring to a stop.
  7. (transitive) To cause to discontinue.
  8. To falter.
  9. To waver.




  1. (proofreading) Abbreviation of italic.


  1. (Jamaica, Iyaric) Pure, natural food suiting a Rastafari lifestyle.







  1. (transitive, intransitive, UK dialectal, obsolete) To seek; search for; inquire.




  1. (UK, dialect, Northern England) Obsolete form of lanterloo. (the card game)
  2. Aged urine.
  3. Any of several species of slender marine fishes of the genus Ammodytes, including the common European species (Ammodytes tobianus) and the American species (Ammodytes americanus).


  1. (transitive, obsolete) To flavor (ale) with aged urine.




  1. Being the only one remaining of its class.
  2. Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely, or least preferable.
  3. Final, ultimate, coming after all others of its kind.
  4. Lowest in rank or degree.
  5. Most recent, latest, last so far.
  6. Supreme; highest in degree; utmost.


  1. (sequence) after everything else; finally
  2. Most recently.


  1. (of days of the week or months of the year) Closest in the past, or closest but one if the closest was very recent; of days, sometimes thought to specifically refer to the instance closest to seven days (one week) ago, or the most recent instance before seven days (one week) ago.
  2. The (one) immediately before the present.


  1. (obsolete) A burden; load; a cargo; freight.
  2. (obsolete) A measure of weight or quantity, varying in designation depending on the goods concerned.
  3. (obsolete) An old English (and Dutch) measure of the carrying capacity of a ship, equal to two tons.
  4. A load of some commodity with reference to its weight and commercial value.
  5. A tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes.


  1. (intransitive) To endure, continue over time.
  2. (intransitive) To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.
  3. (transitive, obsolete) To perform, carry out.
  4. To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last.




  1. Alternative form of latah




  1. (astronomy) Of a star or class of stars, cooler than the sun.
  2. (not comparable, euphemistic) Deceased, dead: used particularly when speaking of the dead person's actions while alive. (Generally must be preceded by a possessive or an article, commonly "the"; see usage notes. Can itself only precede the person's name, never follow it.)
  3. (usually not comparable) Associated with the end of a period.
  4. Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now; departed, or gone out of office.
  5. Levied as a surcharge on a payment received after a deadline.
  6. Near the end of a period of time.
  7. Not arriving or occurring until after an expected time.
  8. Not having had an expected menstrual period.
  9. Recent — relative to the noun it modifies.
  10. Specifically, near the end of the day.


  1. After a deadline has passed, past a designated time.
  2. Formerly, especially in the context of service in a military unit.
  3. Not long ago; just now.


  1. (informal) A shift (scheduled work period) that takes place late in the day or at night.




  1. (geology, petrology) Microscopic, needle-like crystals, usually of plagioclase feldspar, in a glassy groundmass
  2. A thin, narrow strip, fastened to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building, for the purpose of supporting a covering of tiles, plastering, etc.


  1. to cover or line with laths





  1. (UK slang) Latrines: rudimentary or military facilities for urination and defecation.
  2. (historical numismatics) Alternative form of lat (plural lati).
  3. (slang) The latissimus dorsi muscles.
  4. plural of lat: latitude.
  5. plural of lat: staves; pillars.
  6. plural of lat: the former currency or money of Latvia.





  1. An artificial watercourse, canal, or aqueduct, but especially a millrace.






  1. (Pakistani politics) A person who switches loyalties, especially from one political party to another.
  2. (South Asia) A spherical pot, specifically a water pot used for washing and ablution, typically made of brass.





  1. (US, informal) A milkshake with malted milk powder added for flavor.
  2. Malt liquor, especially malt whisky.
  3. Malted grain (sprouted grain) (usually barley), used in brewing and otherwise.
  4. Maltose-rich sugar derived from malted grain.


  1. (intransitive) To become malt.
  2. (intransitive, dated, humorous) To drink malt liquor.
  3. (transitive) To convert a cereal grain into malt by causing it to sprout (by soaking in water) and then halting germination (by drying with hot air) in order to develop enzymes that can break down starches and proteins in the grain.






  1. (obsolete except Scotland) Flat; level; (by extension) frank, on the level.


  1. (obsolete except Scotland) Flatly, plainly.


  1. (obsolete) A plot, a scheme.
  2. A braid; a plait (of hair, straw, etc.).
  3. A map showing the boundaries of real properties (delineating one or more plots of land), especially one that forms part of a legal document.
  4. A plot of land; a lot.
  5. Material produced by braiding or interweaving, especially a material of interwoven straw from which straw hats are made.


  1. (dated except regional England) To braid, to plait.
  2. (transitive) To create a plat; to lay out property lots and streets; to map.




  1. (colloquial, archaic) Costly; expensive.
  2. (figurative, obsolete) Bitter; sharp; pungent.
  3. (figurative, obsolete) Salacious; lecherous; lustful; (of animals) in heat.
  4. Related to salt deposits, excavation, processing or use.
  5. Saline.
  6. Salty; salted.


  1. (Internet slang) Tears; indignation; outrage; arguing.
  2. (UK, historical) The money demanded by Eton schoolboys during the montem.
  3. (chemistry) One of the compounds formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, where a positive ion replaces a hydrogen of the acid.
  4. (cryptography) Randomly chosen bytes added to a plaintext message prior to encrypting or hashing it, in order to render brute-force decryption more difficult.
  5. (figurative) Skepticism and common sense.
  6. (historical, in the plural) Epsom salts or other salt used as a medicine.
  7. (obsolete) A bounding; a leaping; a prance.
  8. (obsolete) A dish for salt at table; a salt cellar.
  9. (obsolete) Flavour; taste; seasoning.
  10. (obsolete) Piquancy; wit; sense.
  11. (slang) A sailor (also old salt).
  12. (uncommon) A salt marsh, a saline marsh at the shore of a sea.
  13. A common substance, chemically consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl), used extensively as a condiment and preservative.
  14. A person who seeks employment at a company in order to (once employed by it) help unionize it.


  1. (archaeology) To add bogus evidence to an archaeological site.
  2. (cryptography) To add filler bytes before encrypting, in order to make brute-force decryption more resource-intensive.
  3. (intransitive) To deposit salt as a saline solution.
  4. (military, transitive) To sow with salt (of land), symbolizing a curse on its re-inhabitation.
  5. (mining) To blast metal into (as a portion of a mine) in order to cause to appear to be a productive seam.
  6. (nautical, of a ship) To fill with salt between the timbers and planks for the preservation of the timber.
  7. (transitive) To add certain chemical elements to (a nuclear weapon) so that it generates more radiation.
  8. (transitive) To add salt to.
  9. (transitive) To sprinkle throughout.
  10. (wiki) To lock a page title so it cannot be created.




  1. (aviation) A control surface that extends forwards and downwards from the leading edge of a wing, leaving a gap between it and the leading edge, in order to modify the airflow around the wing so as to allow flight at a higher angle of attack without stalling, lowering the aircraft's stall speed.
  2. (skiing, slang) A ski.
  3. A thin piece of stone; a slate.
  4. A thin, narrow strip or bar of wood (lath), metal, or plastic.


  1. (Britain, dialectal) To split; to crack.
  2. To construct or provide with slats.
  3. To set on; to incite.
  4. To slap; to strike; to beat; to throw down violently.





  1. (Hong Kong) leung, a traditional unit of weight, in modern usage legally defined as 1/16 of a catty or kan (斤) or 0.0377993638 kilograms
  2. Any of several monetary units equal to the equivalent weight in silver.
  3. Any of several units of measure used in China and elsewhere in eastern Asia, approximately 40 grams.




  1. (law) Limited; abridged; reduced; curtailed.


  1. (anatomy) The caudal appendage of an animal that is attached to its posterior and near the anus.
  2. (anatomy) The distal tendon of a muscle.
  3. (architecture) The bottom or lower portion of a member or part such as a slate or tile.
  4. (astronomy) The visible stream of dust and gases blown from a comet by the solar wind.
  5. (chiefly in the plural) The side of a coin not bearing the head; normally the side on which the monetary value of the coin is indicated; the reverse.
  6. (colloquial, dated) A tailcoat.
  7. (cricket) The lower order of batsmen in the batting order, usually specialist bowlers.
  8. (electrical engineering) Synonym of pigtail (“a short length of twisted electrical wire”)
  9. (entomology) A filamentous projection on the tornal section of each hind wing of certain butterflies.
  10. (kayaking) The stern; the back of the kayak.
  11. (law) Limitation of inheritance to certain heirs.
  12. (mathematics) All the last terms of a sequence, from some term on.
  13. (mining) A tailing.
  14. (music) The part of a note which runs perpendicularly upward or downward from the head; the stem.
  15. (nautical) A rope spliced to the strap of a block, by which it may be lashed to anything.
  16. (now colloquial, chiefly US) The buttocks or backside.
  17. (slang) The penis of a person or animal.
  18. (slang, uncountable) Sexual intercourse.
  19. (statistics) The part of a distribution most distant from the mode; as, a long tail.
  20. (surgery) A portion of an incision, at its beginning or end, which does not go through the whole thickness of the skin, and is more painful than a complete incision; called also tailing.
  21. (typography) The lower loop of the letters in the Roman alphabet, as in g, q or y.
  22. A downy or feathery appendage of certain achens, formed of the permanent elongated style.
  23. A train or company of attendants; a retinue.
  24. An object or part of an object resembling a tail in shape, such as the thongs on a cat-o'-nine-tails.
  25. One of the strips at the end of a bandage formed by splitting the bandage one or more times.
  26. One who surreptitiously follows another.
  27. The back, last, lower, or inferior part of anything.
  28. The feathers attached to the pygostyle of a bird.
  29. The latter part of a time period or event, or (collectively) persons or objects represented in this part.
  30. The rear structure of an aircraft, the empennage.
  31. The tail-end of an object, e.g. the rear of an aircraft's fuselage, containing the tailfin.


  1. (architecture) To hold by the end; said of a timber when it rests upon a wall or other support; with in or into
  2. (nautical) To swing with the stern in a certain direction; said of a vessel at anchor.
  3. (transitive) To follow and observe surreptitiously.
  4. To follow or hang to, like a tail; to be attached closely to, as that which can not be evaded.
  5. To pull or draw by the tail.




  1. (music) A rhythmic pattern in Indian music.
  2. The currency of Samoa, divided into 100 sene.




  1. (obsolete) A microscope slide made of a plate of mica, generally in use from the start of modern microscopy until the early nineteenth century, after which glass slides became the standard medium.
  2. (obsolete) Originally a large range of transparent or glistening foliated minerals. Examples include mica, selenite and the hydrated magnesium silicate that the term talc generally has referred to in modern times (see below). Also an item made of such a mineral and depending for its function on the special nature of the mineral (see next). Mediaeval writers adopted the term from the Arabic.
  3. A soft mineral, composed of hydrated magnesium silicate, that has a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, and usually occurs in foliated masses.
  4. Talcum powder.


  1. (transitive) To apply talc to.





  1. (law, obsolete) A count; declaration.
  2. (obsolete) A speech; a statement; talk; conversation; discourse.
  3. (obsolete) Account; estimation; regard; heed.
  4. (obsolete) Number; tally; quota.
  5. (obsolete) Speech; language.
  6. (rare or archaic) A number of things considered as an aggregate; sum.
  7. (rare or archaic) A report of any matter; a relation; a version.
  8. (slang) The fraudulent opportunity presented by a confidence man to the mark or victim.
  9. A number told or counted off; a reckoning by count; an enumeration.
  10. A rehearsal of what has occurred; narrative; discourse; statement; history; story.
  11. Alternative form of tael
  12. An account of an asserted fact or circumstance; a rumour; a report, especially an idle or malicious story; a piece of gossip or slander; a lie.


  1. (dialectal or obsolete) To speak; discourse; tell tales.
  2. (dialectal, chiefly Scotland) To reckon; consider (someone) to have something.




  1. (India) Synonym of marriage string
  2. plural of talus




  1. (US) A customary conversation in which the parent(s) of a black child explain the racism and violence they may face, especially when interacting with police, and strategies to manage it.
  2. (preceded by the; often qualified by a following of) A major topic of social discussion.
  3. (uncountable) Gossip; rumour.
  4. (uncountable, not preceded by an article) Empty boasting, promises or claims.
  5. (usually in the plural) Meeting to discuss a particular matter.
  6. A conversation or discussion; usually serious, but informal.
  7. A customary conversation in which parent(s) explain sexual intercourse to their child.
  8. A lecture.


  1. (informal, chiefly used in progressive tenses) To influence someone to express something, especially a particular stance or viewpoint or in a particular manner.
  2. (intransitive) To communicate, usually by means of speech.
  3. (intransitive) To criticize someone for something of which one is guilty oneself.
  4. (intransitive) To gossip; to create scandal.
  5. (intransitive, slang) To confess, especially implicating others.
  6. (transitive) To speak (a certain language).
  7. (transitive, informal) To discuss; to talk about.
  8. (transitive, informal, chiefly used in progressive tenses) Used to emphasise the importance, size, complexity etc. of the thing mentioned.




  1. (archaic) Fine; proper; admirable; great; excellent.
  2. (chiefly US, of a cup of coffee) Smaller than grande, usually 8 ounces (~ 230 ml).
  3. (obsolete) Bold; brave; courageous; valiant.
  4. (obsolete) Obsequious; obedient.
  5. (obsolete) Seemly; suitable; fitting, becoming, comely; attractive, handsome.
  6. (of a building, etc.) Having its top a long way up; having a great vertical (and often greater than horizontal) extent; high.
  7. (of a person) Having a vertical extent greater than the average. For example, somebody with a height of over 6 feet would generally be considered to be tall.
  8. (of a story) Hard to believe, such as a tall story or a tall tale.


  1. (possibly nonstandard) Someone or something that is tall.
  2. A clothing size for taller people.
  3. A tall serving of a drink, especially one from Starbucks, which contains 12 ounces.




  1. Having a bluish-green colour


  1. (countable and uncountable) A dark, somewhat bluish-green colour; a dark cyan.
  2. (countable) Any of various small freshwater ducks of the genus Anas that are brightly coloured and have short necks.
  3. (countable, Australia, politics, chiefly attributive) A teal independent, a politician who espouses environmentally and socially progressive but economically conservative ideas, especially in the context of a group of independent candidates who ran in the 2022 federal election.




  1. (anatomy) A thin, web-like structure or membrane.





  1. A unit of mass used in India, equal to the mass of a silver rupee coin, fixed at 180 troy grains (11.663 8038 grams) in 1833, and of a similar but slightly variable value before that date.







  1. (archaic, nautical) unsteady; crank


  1. (intransitive, dialectal or obsolete) To roll; tumble
  2. (transitive, dialectal or obsolete) To turn; cast; hurl; fling; overturn




  1. Abbreviation of crystal.