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  1. (Scotland) Cloth with the nap, generally of native black wool.
  2. A thin, recently spawned iteroparous salmon.
  3. Pronunciation spelling of kilt.




  1. (historical) Any Scottish garment from which the above lies in a direct line of descent, such as the philibeg, or the great kilt or belted plaid
  2. A plaid, pleated school uniform skirt sometimes structured as a wraparound, sometimes pleated throughout the entire circumference; also worn by boys in the 19th-century United States.
  3. A traditional Scottish garment, usually worn by men, having roughly the same morphology as a wrap-around skirt, with overlapping front aprons and pleated around the sides and back, and usually made of twill-woven worsted wool with a tartan pattern.
  4. A variety of non-bifurcated garments made for men and loosely resembling a Scottish kilt, but most often made from different fabrics and not always with tartan plaid designs.


  1. (obsolete or colloquial, especially Ireland or African-American Vernacular) Nonstandard form of killed: simple past tense and past participle of kill.
  2. To gather up (skirts) around the body.




  1. (US) A customary conversation in which the parent(s) of a black child explain the racism and violence they may face, especially when interacting with police, and strategies to manage it.
  2. (preceded by the; often qualified by a following of) A major topic of social discussion.
  3. (uncountable) Gossip; rumour.
  4. (uncountable, not preceded by an article) Empty boasting, promises or claims.
  5. (usually in the plural) Meeting to discuss a particular matter.
  6. A conversation or discussion; usually serious, but informal.
  7. A customary conversation in which parent(s) explain sexual intercourse to their child.
  8. A lecture.


  1. (informal, chiefly used in progressive tenses) To influence someone to express something, especially a particular stance or viewpoint or in a particular manner.
  2. (intransitive) To communicate, usually by means of speech.
  3. (intransitive) To criticize someone for something of which one is guilty oneself.
  4. (intransitive) To gossip; to create scandal.
  5. (intransitive, slang) To confess, especially implicating others.
  6. (transitive) To speak (a certain language).
  7. (transitive, informal) To discuss; to talk about.
  8. (transitive, informal, chiefly used in progressive tenses) Used to emphasise the importance, size, complexity etc. of the thing mentioned.