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English 4 letter words - Containing letters klb - page 1

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  1. (agriculture) An uncultivated ridge formed in the open field system, caused by the action of ploughing.
  2. (archaeology) The wall of earth at the edge of an excavation.
  3. (badminton) A motion used to deceive the opponent during a serve.
  4. (baseball) An illegal motion by the pitcher, intended to deceive a runner.
  5. (billiards) The area of the table lying behind the line from which the cue ball is initially shot, and from which a ball in hand must be played.
  6. (fishing) The rope by which fishing nets are fastened together.
  7. (obsolete) An omission.
  8. (snooker) The area of the table lying behind the baulk line.
  9. A hindrance or disappointment; a check.
  10. A sudden and obstinate stop.
  11. Beam, crossbeam; squared timber; a tie beam of a house, stretching from wall to wall, especially when laid so as to form a loft, "the balks".


  1. (archaic) To pass over or by.
  2. (obsolete) To miss intentionally; to avoid.
  3. (sports, intransitive) To make a deceptive motion to deceive another player.
  4. To disappoint; to frustrate.
  5. To engage in contradiction; to be in opposition.
  6. To indicate to fishermen, by shouts or signals from shore, the direction taken by the shoals of herring.
  7. To leave heaped up; to heap up in piles.
  8. To leave or make balks in.
  9. To omit, miss, or overlook by chance.
  10. To refuse suddenly.
  11. To stop short and refuse to go on.
  12. To stop, check, block.





  1. (cribbage) The spoiling of someone's score in the crib.
  2. (obsolete) A cheat or swindler.
  3. (obsolete) A deception, a hoax.


  1. (intransitive, UK) To steal fuel from a self-service filling station by driving away without paying after filling the fuel tank or other container; to commit a drive-off.
  2. (transitive) To do someone out of their due; to deceive or defraud, to cheat (someone).
  3. (transitive) To spoil the score of (someone) in cribbage.
  4. (transitive, archaic) To evade, elude.






  1. (intransitive) To belch.
  2. (intransitive) To gush out.
  3. (intransitive) To heave.
  4. (intransitive) To vomit; retch.
  5. (transitive) To belch out; give vent to; ejaculate.




  1. being large in size, mass or volume (of goods, etc.)
  2. total


  1. (bodybuilding) A period where one tries to gain muscle.
  2. (bodybuilding) Excess body mass, especially muscle.
  3. (brane cosmology) A hypothetical higher-dimensional space within which our own four-dimensional universe may exist.
  4. (countable) a cargo or any items moved or communicated in the manner of cargo.
  5. (obsolete) The body.
  6. (uncountable, transport) Unpackaged goods when transported in large volumes, e.g. coal, ore or grain.
  7. Any huge body or structure.
  8. Dietary fibre.
  9. Size, specifically, volume.
  10. The major part of something.


  1. (intransitive) To appear or seem to be, as to bulk or extent.
  2. (intransitive) To gain body mass by means of diet, exercise, etc.
  3. (intransitive) To grow in size; to swell or expand.
  4. (transitive) To put or hold in bulk.
  5. (transitive, obsolete) To add bulk to, to bulk out.

