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English 5 letter words - Containing letters ihf - page 1

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t : 37.04%

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  1. (Scotland) Intimate, friendly.
  2. Primary; principal.


  1. (US, Canada, offensive) An informal term of address for a Native American or First Nations man.
  2. (heraldry) The top part of a shield or escutcheon; more specifically, an ordinary consisting of the upper part of the field cut off by a horizontal line, generally occupying the top third.
  3. (sometimes ironic) An informal term of address.
  4. A leader or head of a group of people, organisation, etc.
  5. The principal part or top of anything.


  1. (US, slang) To smoke cannabis.




  1. (archaic) Alternative form of in faith (“really, truly”)


  1. (obsolete) Credibility or truth.
  2. A conviction about abstractions, ideas, or beliefs, without empirical evidence, experience, or observation.
  3. A religious or spiritual belief system.
  4. A trust or confidence in the intentions or abilities of a person, object, or ideal from prior empirical evidence.
  5. An obligation of loyalty or fidelity and the observance of such an obligation.





  1. a microfiche




  1. (chiefly historical) A woman's lightweight triangular scarf worn over the shoulders and tied in front, or tucked into a bodice to cover the exposed part of the neck and chest.




  1. The ordinal form of the number five.


  1. (music) The musical interval between one note and another seven semitones higher (the fifth note in the major/minor scale)
  2. A quantity of liquor equal to one-fifth of a gallon, or, more commonly, 750 milliliters (that is, three quarters of a liter).
  3. One of five equal parts of a whole.
  4. The fifth gear of an engine.
  5. The fifth voice in a polyphonic melody.
  6. The person or thing in the fifth position.


  1. (music) To sing in the fifth voice in a polyphonic melody.
  2. (transitive) To support something fifth, after four others have already done so.
  3. (transitive, nonstandard) To divide by five.




  1. (archaic) A battle between opposing armies.
  2. (obsolete) A screen for the combatants in ships; an arming.
  3. (sports) A boxing or martial arts match.
  4. (uncountable) The will or ability to fight.
  5. A conflict, possibly nonphysical, with opposing ideas or forces; strife.
  6. A physical confrontation or combat between two or more people or groups.
  7. An occasion of fighting.


  1. (intransitive) Of colours or other design elements: to clash; to fail to harmonize.
  2. (intransitive) To contend in physical conflict, either singly or in war, battle etc.
  3. (intransitive) To strive for something; to campaign or contend for success.
  4. (reciprocal) To contend in physical conflict with each other, either singly or in war, battle etc.
  5. (transitive) To conduct or engage in (battle, warfare etc.).
  6. (transitive) To engage in combat with; to oppose physically, to contest with.
  7. (transitive) To try to overpower; to fiercely counteract.
  8. (transitive, archaic) To cause to fight; to manage or manoeuvre in a fight.




  1. (obsolete) A hooked stick used to filch objects.
  2. (obsolete) A person who filches; a filcher, a pilferer, a thief.
  3. An act of filching; larceny, theft.
  4. Something which has been filched or stolen.


  1. (transitive) To illegally take possession of (something, especially items of low value); to pilfer, to steal.




  1. (UK, derogatory, slang) The police.
  2. (US, agriculture, dated) Weeds growing on pasture land.
  3. (derogatory, uncountable) A vile or disgusting person.
  4. Dirt; foul matter; that which soils or defiles.
  5. Smut; that which sullies or defiles the moral character; corruption; pollution.




  1. Any Eurasian goldfinch (of species Carduelis carduelis. syn. Fringilla carduelis).
  2. Any bird of other families of similar appearance to members of family Fringillidae.
  3. Any bird of the family Fringillidae, seed-eating passerine birds, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and usually having a conical beak.


  1. To hunt for finches, to go finching.




  1. (chiefly Northern England, Scotland) Alternative form of frith (“a forest used for hunting; a (small) wood; wooded country; land covered mainly by brushwood”)
  2. An arm or inlet of the sea; a river estuary.





  1. (LGBT slang) Of drag queens: appearing feminine.
  2. (figurative) Suspicious; inspiring doubt.
  3. Of, from, or similar to fish.


  1. (childish) Diminutive of fish.




  1. (obsolete) Alternative form of vetch
  2. A polecat, such as the European polecat (Mustela putorius), the striped polecat, steppe polecat, or black-footed polecat of America.
  3. A skin of a polecat.




  1. (Britain, dialectal) Land with mostly undergrowth and few trees; also, land in between forests or woods; pastureland which is not in use.
  2. (archaic) Alternative form of firth (“an arm or inlet of the sea”).
  3. (obsolete) A kind of weir made from wattled branches for catching fish.
  4. (obsolete) Sanctuary, asylum.
  5. (rare, archaic, poetic) Peace; security.
  6. A forest or wood; woodland generally.
  7. A hedge, especially one made from brushwood which has been wattled; also, a movable frame made from wattled branches, a hurdle.
  8. Brushwood or undergrowth, sometimes in the form of a hedge.


  1. (transitive, obsolete) To enclose; fence in, as a forest or park.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To protect; guard.





  1. Alternative form of hafiz




  1. A Muslim who has memorized the whole Qur'an.



Proper noun

  1. A city in northern Israel.




  1. (Islam) Any person, from before the time of Muhammad, who followed a non-pagan monotheistic religion.






  1. (Ireland, crude slang, often with the definite article, usually uncountable) The act of kissing passionately.
  2. (US) The gear mechanism in a motor vehicle.
  3. (archaic) A contrivance, a device to try when other methods fail.
  4. (archaic) A trick, an artifice.
  5. (baseball) An infield shift.
  6. (computing) A bit shift.
  7. (computing) A control code or character used to change between different character sets.
  8. (computing) An instance of the use of such a code or character.
  9. (construction) The extent, or arrangement, of the overlapping of plank, brick, stones, etc., that are placed in courses so as to break joints.
  10. (genetics) A mutation in which the DNA or RNA from two different sources (such as viruses or bacteria) combine.
  11. (historical) A type of women's undergarment of dress length worn under dresses or skirts, a slip or chemise.
  12. (mining) A breaking off and dislocation of a seam; a fault.
  13. (music) In violin-playing, any position of the left hand except that nearest the nut.
  14. A change of workers, now specifically a set group of workers or period of working time.
  15. A period of time in which one's consciousness resides in another reality, usually achieved through meditation or other means.
  16. A simple straight-hanging, loose-fitting dress.
  17. Alternative spelling of Shift (“a modifier button of computer keyboards”).
  18. An act of shifting; a slight movement or change.


  1. (Ireland, vulgar, slang) To engage in sexual petting.
  2. (archaic) To resort to expedients for accomplishing a purpose; to contrive; to manage.
  3. (computer keyboards) To switch to a character entry mode for capital letters and special characters.
  4. (intransitive) To change gears (in a car).
  5. (intransitive) To change position.
  6. (intransitive) To hurry; to move quickly.
  7. (intransitive, India) To change residence; to leave and live elsewhere.
  8. (music) In violin-playing, to move the left hand from its original position next to the nut.
  9. (obsolete, transitive) To change (clothes, especially underwear).
  10. (obsolete, transitive, reflexive) To change (someone's) clothes; sometimes specifically, to change underwear.
  11. (transitive, computing) To manipulate a binary number by moving all of its digits left or right; compare rotate.
  12. (transitive, computing) To remove the first value from an array.
  13. (transitive, intransitive, figurative) To change in form or character; switch.
  14. (transitive, sometimes figurative) To move from one place to another; to redistribute.
  15. (typewriters) To move the keys of a typewriter over in order to type capital letters and special characters.
  16. To change the reality one's consciousness resides in through meditation or other means.
  17. To practice indirect or evasive methods.




  1. (obsolete) straw




  1. (obsolete) A waster in the snuff of a candle.
  2. One who carries out a theft.
  3. One who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence.




  1. (informal) Having a strong or unpleasant odour.


  1. Used to indicate a sound like that of air passing through a small opening, that is, a short or soft whistle.


  1. (archaic) An expulsion of explosive or shot.
  2. (baseball) From the batter's perspective: a strike.
  3. (by extension, archaic) A cigarette or small cigar.
  4. (nautical) An outrigged boat for one person propelled by oar.
  5. (obsolete) A sip of an alcoholic beverage.
  6. (sports, chiefly US, slang) A failure to hit a ball in various sports (for example, golf); a miss.
  7. A brief, gentle breeze; a light gust of air; a waft.
  8. A characteristic quality of something; a flavour, a savour, a taste.
  9. A flag used as a signal; a waff, a waif, a wheft.
  10. A short inhalation or exhalation of breath, especially when accompanied by smoke from a cigarette or pipe.
  11. A slight attack or touch.
  12. A slight sign of something; a burst, a glimpse, a hint.
  13. A small quantity of cloud, smoke, vapour, etc.; specifically (obsolete), chiefly in take the whiff: a puff of tobacco smoke.
  14. A sound like that of air passing through a small opening; a short or soft whistle.
  15. An odour (usually unpleasant) carried briefly through the air.
  16. The name of a number of flatfish such as (dated) the lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) and now, especially, the megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) and (with a descriptive word) a species of large-tooth flounder or sand flounder (family Paralichthyidae).


  1. (US, baseball) Of a pitcher: to strike out (a batter); to fan.
  2. (US, chiefly sports) Especially in baseball or golf: to completely miss hitting a ball; hence (baseball), of a batter: to strike out; to fan.
  3. (archaic or dated) To shoot (someone) with a firearm; hence, to assassinate or kill (someone).
  4. (by extension) To fail spectacularly.
  5. (fishing) To catch fish by dragging a handline near the surface of the water from a moving boat.
  6. (obsolete) To consume (an alcoholic beverage).
  7. (video games) In fighting games, to execute a move that fails to hit the opponent.
  8. To be carried, or move as if carried, by a puff of air; to waft.
  9. To breathe in or sniff (an odour); to smell.
  10. To carry or convey (something) by, or as by, a whiff or puff of air; to blow, puff, or waft away.
  11. To give off or have an unpleasant smell; to stink.
  12. To inhale or exhale (smoke from tobacco, etc.) from a cigarette, pipe, or other smoking implement; to smoke (a cigarette, pipe, etc.); to puff.
  13. To move in a way that causes a light gust of air, or a whistling sound.
  14. To say (something) with an exhalation of breath.
  15. To smell; to sniff.
  16. To smoke a cigarette, pipe, or other smoking implement.
