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English 4 letter words - Containing letters huck - page 1

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  1. (Ultimate Frisbee) A long throw, generally at least half a field in length.
  2. (dialect) A person's hip.
  3. (skiing, snowboarding) A drop or jump off a cliff or cornice.


  1. (dated) To haggle in trading.
  2. (intransitive, Ultimate Frisbee) To make a long throw with the frisbee; to start a point by making such a throw.
  3. (mountain biking) To attempt a particularly big jump or drop, often haphazardly.
  4. (mountain biking) To make a maneuver in a clumsy or poorly planned way.
  5. (transitive, Ultimate Frisbee) To throw a frisbee a long distance.
  6. (transitive, informal) To throw or chuck.
  7. (transitive, whitewater kayaking) To paddle off a waterfall or to boof a big drop.
  8. To throw one's body in the air, possibly in a way that is ungraceful or lacks skill.
  9. To throw oneself off a large jump or drop.