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English 4 letter words - Containing letters hrd - page 1

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  1. (Slavic phonology) Velarized or plain, rather than palatalized.
  2. (bodybuilding) Having muscles that are tightened as a result of intense, regular exercise.
  3. (dated) Difficult to resist or control; powerful.
  4. (finance) Of a market: having more demand than supply; being a seller's market.
  5. (military) Hardened; having unusually strong defences.
  6. (of a normally nonalcoholic drink) Containing alcohol.
  7. (of a road intersection) Having a comparatively larger or a ninety-degree angle.
  8. (of drink or drugs) Strong.
  9. (of pornography) hardcore
  10. (of water) High in dissolved chemical salts, especially those of calcium.
  11. (photography, of light) Made up of parallel rays, producing clearly defined shadows.
  12. (physics, of a ferromagnetic material) Having the capability of being a permanent magnet by being a material with high magnetic coercivity (compare soft).
  13. (physics, of electromagnetic radiation) Having a high energy (high frequency; short wavelength).
  14. (politics) Far, extreme.
  15. (slang) Tough and muscular.
  16. (slang, vulgar, of a male) Sexually aroused; having an erect penis.
  17. Demanding a lot of effort to endure.
  18. Difficult or requiring a lot of effort to do, understand, experience, or deal with.
  19. Having disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in colour or shading.
  20. In a physical form, not digital.
  21. Of silk: not having had the natural gum boiled off.
  22. Plosive.
  23. Resistant to pressure.
  24. Rigid in the drawing or distribution of the figures; formal; lacking grace of composition.
  25. Severe, harsh, unfriendly, brutal.
  26. Unquestionable, unequivocal.
  27. Unvoiced.
  28. Using a manual or physical process, not by means of a software command.


  1. (manner) Compactly.
  2. (manner) With difficulty.
  3. (manner) With much force or effort.
  4. (now archaic) Near, close.
  5. (obsolete) So as to raise difficulties.


  1. (countable, motorsports) A tyre whose compound is softer than superhards, and harder than mediums.
  2. (countable, nautical) A firm or paved beach or slope convenient for hauling vessels out of the water.
  3. (uncountable, drugs, slang) Crack cocaine.
  4. (uncountable, slang) Hard labor.





  1. (now rare) Someone who keeps a group of domestic animals; a herdsman.
  2. (now usually derogatory) A crowd, a mass of people or things; a rabble.
  3. A number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper.
  4. Any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company.


  1. (intransitive) To associate; to ally oneself with, or place oneself among, a group or company.
  2. (intransitive) To unite or associate in a herd; to feed or run together, or in company.
  3. (intransitive, Scotland) To act as a herdsman or a shepherd.
  4. (transitive) To form or put into a herd.
  5. (transitive) To manage, care for or guard a herd
  6. (transitive) To move or drive a herd.
  7. (transitive) To unite or associate in a herd
