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  1. (New Zealand) A subtribe of an iwi or Maori tribe; the basic political unit within Māori society; a subtribe or extended family.




  1. (Britain, slang, with definite article) A bad mood.
  2. (animals) A rounded fleshy mass, such as on a camel or zebu.
  3. (slang) A painfully boorish person.
  4. (slang) An act of sexual intercourse.
  5. A deformity in humans caused by abnormal curvature of the upper spine.
  6. A mound of earth.
  7. A speed bump or speed hump.
  8. A wave that forms in front of an operating hovercraft and impedes progress at low speeds.


  1. (US, slang, dated) To prepare for a great exertion; to put forth effort.
  2. (rail transport) To shunt wagons / freight cars over the hump in a hump yard.
  3. (slang, dated) To vex or annoy.
  4. (transitive) To bend something into a hump.
  5. (transitive, intransitive) To carry (something), especially with some exertion.
  6. (transitive, intransitive) To dry-hump.
  7. (transitive, intransitive) To have sex (with).





  1. Alternative form of auf




  1. A representation of the sound resembling the release of a blast of steam or exhaust gas; a representation of the sound of a fast but small puff of wind.


  1. The sound made by a sudden release of steam or gas; the sound of a fast but small puff of wind.





  1. (archaic) Alternative form of pooh: an expression of contempt, disgust, etc.




  1. (Internet, uncountable) The situation where a server sends data to a client without waiting for a request.
  2. (computing) The addition of a data item to the top of a stack.
  3. (military) A marching or drill maneuver/manoeuvre performed by moving a formation (especially a company front) forward or toward the audience, usually to accompany a dramatic climax or crescendo in the music.
  4. (obsolete, UK, dialect) A pustule; a pimple.
  5. (slang, UK, obsolete, now chiefly Australia) A particular crowd or throng or people.
  6. (snooker) A foul shot in which the cue ball is in contact with the cue and the object ball at the same time
  7. A great effort (to do something).
  8. A short, directed application of force; an act of pushing.
  9. A wager that results in no loss or gain for the bettor as a result of a tie or even score
  10. An act of tensing the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents.
  11. An attempt to persuade someone into a particular course of action.


  1. (chess, transitive) To move (a pawn) directly forward.
  2. (computing) To add (a data item) to the top of a stack.
  3. (computing) To publish (an update, etc.) by transmitting it to other computers.
  4. (informal, transitive) To approach; to come close to.
  5. (intransitive) To continually exert oneself in order to achieve a goal.
  6. (intransitive) To continue to attempt to persuade a person into a particular course of action.
  7. (intransitive) To tense the muscles in the abdomen in order to give birth or defecate.
  8. (obsolete) To thrust the points of the horns against; to gore.
  9. (poker) To make an all-in bet.
  10. (snooker) To strike the cue ball in such a way that it stays in contact with the cue and object ball at the same time (a foul shot).
  11. (transitive) To continually attempt to persuade (a person) into a particular course of action.
  12. (transitive) To continually promote (a point of view, a product for sale, etc.).
  13. (transitive) To press or urge forward; to drive.
  14. (transitive, intransitive) To apply a force to (an object) such that it moves away from the person or thing applying the force.
  15. To burst out of its pot, as a bud or shoot.
  16. To make a higher bid at an auction.




  1. Alternative form of humph (“sound of doubt or disapproval”)
  2. Alternative form of oof (“sound of loss of air from the body, as when struck”)




  1. (Southern US or African-American Vernacular, dialect) Alternative form of whoop (“to whip, thrash, or defeat”).