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English 5 letter words - Containing letters hpc - page 1

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  1. plural of caph




  1. (Ireland) a meal of mashed potatoes and scallions
  2. (architecture, obsolete or rare) the field or ground on which carving appears in relief
  3. (colloquial) Clipping of champion.
  4. (colloquial, in the plural) Clipping of championship.
  5. (heraldry, obsolete or rare) the field of a shield
  6. (informal) buddy, sport, mate (as a term of address)
  7. (informal) champagne


  1. (transitive, intransitive) to bite or chew, especially noisily or impatiently.
  2. To camp overnight in a historic church as a novelty or part of a holiday.





  1. (archaic) The piece by which an object is attached to something, such as the frog of a scabbard or the metal loop at the back of a buckle by which it is fastened to a strap.
  2. Alternative form of chappe (“rainguard”) (piece fitted to a sword's crossguard).
  3. The lower metallic cap at the end of a sword's scabbard.




  1. Protective leather leggings attached at the waist.
  2. plural of chap


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chap




  1. Obsolete form of chapped.




  1. (finance) Trading at a price level which is low relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or (for derivatives) a theoretical value.
  2. (informal, chiefly derogatory) Stingy; mean; excessively frugal.
  3. (slang, of an action or tactic in a game of skill) Underhand or unfair.
  4. Low and/or reduced in price.
  5. Of little worth.
  6. Of poor quality.


  1. Cheaply.


  1. (obsolete) A low price; a bargain.
  2. (obsolete) A market; marketplace.
  3. (obsolete) Trade; traffic; chaffer; chaffering.
  4. Cheapness; lowness of price; abundance of supply.
  5. Price.


  1. (intransitive, obsolete) To trade; traffic; bargain; chaffer; ask the price of goods; cheapen goods.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To bargain for; chaffer for; ask the price of; offer a price for; cheapen.
  3. (transitive, obsolete) To buy; purchase.
  4. (transitive, obsolete) To sell.




  1. The short, high-pitched sound made by a small bird.


  1. A short, high-pitched sound made by a small bird.
  2. A similar-sounding short high-pitched sound


  1. Of a small bird, to make short, high-pitched sounds.
  2. To express in a chirping tone.




  1. (intransitive, Northern England) To gossip, particularly in a forthright manner.
  2. (intransitive, Northern England) To speak rudely or out of turn.




  1. (informal) Clipping of chimpanzee.


  1. (informal, often derogatory) To get very excited when showing images on a digital camera.
  2. (informal, often derogatory) To review each image on a digital camera after it is taken.




  1. (slang) A carpenter.
  2. plural of chip


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chip




  1. (radar, sonar, radio telescopy etc.) A pulse of signal whose frequency sweeps through a band of frequencies for the duration of the pulse.
  2. A short, sharp or high note or noise, as of a bird or insect.


  1. (Canada) To speak rapid insulting comical banter back and forth.
  2. (intransitive) To make a short, sharp, cheerful note, as of small birds or crickets.
  3. (intransitive) To speak in a high-pitched staccato.
  4. (transitive, obsolete) To cheer up; to make (someone) happier.
  5. (transitive, radar, sonar, radio telescopy etc.) To modify (a pulse of signal) so that it sweeps through a band of frequencies throughout its duration.




  1. (computing, rare) A unit of computing storage equal to sixteen bits, which can represent any of 65536 distinct values.
  2. The act of chomping (see below)


  1. (computing, transitive, Perl) To remove the final character from (a text string) if it is a newline (or, less commonly, some other programmer-specified character).
  2. (intransitive) To bite or chew loudly or heavily.






  1. (Nigeria, slang) Food.
  2. (plural only, informal) One's skill at any endeavor; ability, talent; competency.
  3. (plural only, juggling) A pattern that involves carrying the object with the hand over the next object before throwing it.
  4. (plural only, nautical) The area where two tides meet and cause an irregular (choppy) sea.
  5. (plural only, slang) One's skill at musical interpretation and delivery (originally of jazz); musical performance ability.
  6. (slang) Jaws, mouth.
  7. plural of chop


  1. Alternative form of chopse
  2. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chop





  1. (colloquial, derogatory) A gullible person; a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of; someone lacking common sense.
  2. (colloquial, derogatory) An incompetent person, a blockhead; a loser.
  3. The thick end, especially of a piece of wood or of a joint of meat.


  1. Dated form of chomp.





  1. (chronology, astronomy, computing) A specific instant in time, chosen as the point of reference or zero value of a system that involves identifying instants of time.
  2. (geology) A geochronologic unit of hundreds of thousands to millions of years; a subdivision of a period, and subdivided into ages (or sometimes subepochs).
  3. (machine learning) One complete presentation of the training data set to an iterative machine learning algorithm.
  4. A notable event which marks the beginning of such a period.
  5. A particular period of history, or of a person's life, especially one considered noteworthy or remarkable.


  1. (sciences, transitive) To divide (data) into segments by time period.





  1. Archaic form of pasha.




  1. (historical) A system of tax farming in the Dutch Republic, where tax was not collected by the government, but by a private individual who had leased the right to collect the tax.





  1. The condition of being parched.


  1. (intransitive) To become superficially burnt; be become sunburned.
  2. (transitive) To burn the surface of, to scorch.
  3. (transitive) To dry to extremity; to shrivel with heat.
  4. (transitive) To roast, as dry grain.
  5. (transitive, archaic) To boil something slowly (Still used in Lancashire in parched peas, a type of mushy peas).
  6. (transitive, colloquial) To make very thirsty.
  7. The patient's mouth is parched from fever.
  8. We're parched, hon. Could you send up an ale from the cooler?





  1. (archaic) A paltry fellow; a rogue; a ninny; a fool.
  2. (computing) A patch file, a file that describes changes to be made to a computer file or files, usually changes made to a computer program that fix a programming bug.
  3. (firearms) A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore.
  4. (firearms) A small piece of material that is manually passed through a gun barrel to clean it.
  5. (historical) A small piece of black silk stuck on the face or neck to heighten beauty by contrast, worn by ladies in the 17th and 18th centuries; an imitation beauty mark.
  6. (medicine) A cover worn over a damaged eye, an eyepatch.
  7. (medicine) A piece of material used to cover a wound.
  8. (medicine) An adhesive piece of material, impregnated with a drug, which is worn on the skin, the drug being slowly absorbed over a period of time.
  9. (music) A sound setting for a musical synthesizer (originally selected by means of a patch cable).
  10. (often patch cable, patch cord, etc.; see also patch panel) A cable connecting two pieces of electrical equipment.
  11. (printing, historical) An overlay used to obtain a stronger impression.
  12. (specifically) A small area, a small plot of land or piece of ground.
  13. A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting.
  14. A local region of professional responsibility.
  15. A piece of any size, used to repair something for a temporary period only, or that it is temporary because it is not meant to last long or will be removed as soon as a proper repair can be made, which will happen in the near future.
  16. A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, especially upon an old garment to cover a hole.
  17. A small piece of anything used to repair damage or a breach; as, a patch on a kettle, a roof, etc.
  18. A small, usually contrasting but always somehow different or distinct, part of something else (location, time, size)


  1. (generally with the particle "up") To repair or arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner
  2. To connect two pieces of electrical equipment using a cable.
  3. To employ a temporary, removable electronic connection, as one between two components in a communications system.
  4. To fix or improve a computer program without a complete upgrade.
  5. To join or unite the pieces of; to patch the skirt.
  6. To make a quick and possibly temporary change to a program.
  7. To make out of pieces or patches, like a quilt.
  8. To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like
  9. To mend with pieces; to repair by fastening pieces on.




  1. Of or pertaining to the color peach.
  2. Particularly pleasing or agreeable.


  1. (color) A light moderate to strong yellowish pink to light orange color.
  2. (informal) A particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing.
  3. (mineralogy, obsolete, Cornwall) A particular rock found in tin mines, sometimes associated with chlorite.
  4. (often in plural) buttock or bottom
  5. A tree (Prunus persica), native to China and now widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit.
  6. The soft juicy stone fruit of the peach tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured pit or stone containing a single seed.
  7. peach:


  1. (intransitive, obsolete) To inform on someone; turn informer.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To inform against.




  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pech





  1. (Australia) Johnius belangerii, Macquaria ambigua, Macquaria colonorum, Macquaria novemaculeata, Nemadactylus macropterus
  2. (Ghana) Distichodus engycephalus, Distichodus rostratus
  3. (South Africa) Acanthopagrus berda
  4. (UK) Lateolabrax japonicus, Tautogolabrus adspersus
  5. (US) Kyphosus azureus
  6. (dated) A linear measure of 5+¹⁄₂ yards, equal to a rod, a pole or ¹⁄₄ chain; the related square measure.
  7. (figuratively) A position that is overly elevated or haughty.
  8. (figuratively) A position that is secure and advantageous, especially one which is prominent or elevated.
  9. (textiles) A frame used to examine cloth.
  10. (theater) A platform for lights to be directed at the stage.
  11. A bar used to support a candle, especially in a church.
  12. A cubic measure of stonework equal to 16.6 × 1.5 × 1 feet.
  13. A pole connecting the fore gear and hind gear of a spring carriage; a reach.
  14. A rod, staff, tree branch, ledge, etc., used as a roost by a bird.
  15. Any of the three species of spiny-finned freshwater fish in the genus Perca.
  16. Several similar species in the order Perciformes, such as the grouper.


  1. (intransitive) To rest on a perch (especially, of a bird); to roost.
  2. (intransitive) To sit upon the edge of something.
  3. (intransitive) To stay in an elevated position.
  4. (transitive) To place something on (or as if on) a perch.
  5. (transitive, intransitive, textiles) To inspect cloth using a perch.





  1. (obsolete) A seal.




  1. A small armadillo (Zaedyus pichiy), native to Argentina, which is the only armadillo known to hibernate.




  1. (archaic) a covering put over an infant's diaper to prevent outer clothes from getting wet
  2. (obsolete) A gown or case of skin, or one trimmed or lined with fur.




  1. (physics) A magnetic compression of an electrically-conducting filament.
  2. A close compression of anything with the fingers.
  3. A metal bar used as a lever for lifting weights, rolling wheels, etc.
  4. A small amount of powder or granules, such that the amount could be held between fingertip and thumb tip.
  5. An awkward situation of some kind (especially money or social) which is difficult to escape.
  6. An organic herbal smoke additive.
  7. The action of squeezing a small amount of a person's skin and flesh, making it hurt.
  8. The narrow part connecting the two bulbs of an hourglass.


  1. (figurative) To cramp; to straiten; to oppress; to starve.
  2. (horticulture) To cut shoots or buds of a plant in order to shape the plant, or to improve its yield.
  3. (hunting) To take hold; to grip, as a dog does.
  4. (intransitive) Of clothing, to be uncomfortably tight in specific spots.
  5. (nautical) To sail so close-hauled that the sails begin to flutter.
  6. (obsolete) To complain or find fault.
  7. (obsolete, intransitive) To be stingy or covetous; to live sparingly.
  8. (of animals) To seize; to grip; to bite.
  9. (slang, transitive) To arrest or capture.
  10. (slang, transitive) To steal, usually something inconsequential.
  11. To move, as a railroad car, by prying the wheels with a pinch.
  12. To squeeze a small amount of a person's skin and flesh, making it hurt.
  13. To squeeze between the thumb and forefinger.
  14. To squeeze between two objects.




  1. (aviation) A measure of the angle of attack of a propeller.
  2. (baseball) The act of pitching a baseball.
  3. (by extension) The place where a busker performs, a prostitute solicits clients, or an illegal gambling game etc. is set up before the public.
  4. (caving) A vertical cave passage, only negotiable by using rope or ladders.
  5. (climbing) A section of a climb or rock face; specifically, the climbing distance between belays or stances.
  6. (cricket) That point of the ground on which the ball pitches or lights when bowled.
  7. (geology) Pitchstone.
  8. (mining) The limit of ground set to a miner who receives a share of the ore taken out.
  9. (music) In an a cappella group, the singer responsible for singing a note for the other members to tune themselves by.
  10. (music) The standard to which a group of musical instruments are tuned or in which a piece is performed, usually by reference to the frequency to which the musical note A above middle C is tuned.
  11. (music, phonetics) The perceived frequency of a sound or note.
  12. (nautical, aviation) The degree to which a vehicle, especially a ship or aircraft, rotates on such an axis, tilting its bow or nose up or down. Compare with roll, yaw, and heave.
  13. (now Britain, regional) A person's or animal's height.
  14. (obsolete, uncountable) Collectively, the outermost points of some part of the body, especially the shoulders or hips.
  15. (rare) The field of battle.
  16. (sports, UK, Australia, New Zealand) The field on which cricket, soccer, rugby, gridiron or field hockey is played. (In cricket, the pitch is in the centre of the field; see cricket pitch.) (Not often used in the US or Canada, where "field" is the preferred word.)
  17. A dark, extremely viscous material remaining in still after distilling crude oil and tar.
  18. A descent; a fall; a thrusting down.
  19. A level or degree, or (by extension), a peak or highest degree.
  20. A point or peak; the extreme point of elevation or depression.
  21. A sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees; sap.
  22. A throw; a toss; a cast, as of something from the hand.
  23. An area in a market (or similar) allocated to a particular trader.
  24. An area on a campsite intended for occupation by a single tent, caravan or similar.
  25. An effort to sell or promote something.
  26. Prominence; importance.
  27. The angle at which an object sits.
  28. The distance between evenly spaced objects, e.g. the teeth of a saw or gear, the turns of a screw thread, the centres of holes, or letters in a monospace font.
  29. The height a bird reaches in flight, especially a bird of prey preparing to swoop down on its prey.
  30. The most thrust-out point of a headland or cape.
  31. The point where a declivity begins; hence, the declivity itself; a descending slope; the degree or rate of descent or slope; slant.


  1. (intransitive) To fix or place a tent or temporary habitation; to encamp.
  2. (intransitive) To plunge or fall; especially, to fall forward; to decline or slope.
  3. (intransitive) To produce a note of a given pitch.
  4. (intransitive, Bristol, of snow) To settle and build up, without melting.
  5. (intransitive, archaic) To alight; to settle; to come to rest from flight.
  6. (intransitive, baseball) To play baseball in the position of pitcher.
  7. (intransitive, cricket) To bounce on the playing surface.
  8. (transitive or intransitive, baseball) To throw (the ball) toward a batter at home plate.
  9. (transitive) To assemble or erect (a tent).
  10. (transitive) To deliver in a certain tone or style, or with a certain audience in mind.
  11. (transitive) To fix or set the tone of.
  12. (transitive) To promote, advertise, or attempt to sell.
  13. (transitive) To throw away; discard.
  14. (transitive, card games, slang, of a card) To discard for some gain.
  15. (transitive, golf) To play a short, high, lofty shot that lands with backspin.
  16. (transitive, intransitive, aviation or nautical) To move so that the front of an aircraft or boat goes alternatively up and down.
  17. (transitive, of a price, value) To set or fix.
  18. (transitive, of an embankment, roadway) To set, face, or pave with rubble or undressed stones.
  19. (with on or upon) To fix one's choice.
  20. To attack, or position or assemble for attack.
  21. To cover or smear with pitch.
  22. To darken; to blacken; to obscure.





  1. The act of cooking in simmering liquid.
  2. The act of taking something unfairly, as in tennis doubles where one player returns a shot that their partner was better placed to return.


  1. (business, transitive, intransitive) To entice (an employee or customer) to switch from a competing company to one's own.
  2. (by extension, transitive, intransitive) To take anything illegally or unfairly.
  3. (figurative) To intrude; to interfere; to get involved inappropriately, without welcome.
  4. (intransitive) To be cooked in simmering liquid
  5. (obsolete) To stab; to pierce; to spear or drive or plunge into something.
  6. (transitive) To cook something in simmering liquid.
  7. (transitive, intransitive) To take game or fish illegally.
  8. (transitive, intransitive) To trespass on another's property to take fish or game.
  9. To become soft or muddy by being trampled on.
  10. To make soft or muddy by trampling.





  1. (countable) A bulge, an enlarged part.
  2. (slang) A dog.
  3. A distended or swelled condition.
  4. A dog of mixed breed; a mongrel.


  1. To distend, to swell or extend beyond normal limits; usually used with out.




  1. (architecture) A covered entrance to a building, whether taken from the interior, and forming a sort of vestibule within the main wall, or projecting without and with a separate roof. A porch often has chair(s), table(s) and swings.
  2. A portico; a covered walk.
  3. The platform outside the external hatch of a spacecraft.




  1. (chiefly Australia, mineralogy, gemmology) A type of rough opal without colour, and therefore not worth selling.


  1. (transitive) To bleach rags in paper-making.
  2. Obsolete form of poach (to cook in simmering water).
  3. To thrust.
  4. To trample.




  1. (botany) A silicle, or short pod, as of the shepherd's purse.
  2. (slang, dated, derogatory) A protuberant belly; a paunch.
  3. (zoology) An organic pocket in which a marsupial carries its young.
  4. A bulkhead in the hold of a vessel, to prevent grain etc. from shifting.
  5. A cyst or sac containing fluid.
  6. A small bag usually closed with a drawstring.
  7. Any pocket or bag-shaped object, such as a cheek pouch.


  1. (obsolete) To pocket; to put up with.
  2. (obsolete, rare) To pout.
  3. (of fowls and fish) To swallow.
  4. (transitive) To enclose within a pouch.
  5. (transitive) To transport within a pouch, especially a diplomatic pouch.





  1. (informal) Psychedelic.
  2. (informal) Psychiatric.


  1. (dated, slang) An interjection of surprised happiness.
  2. (slang) Indicating that one's preceding statement was false and that one has successfully fooled one's interlocutor.


  1. A psychologist; a psychiatrist.
  2. Psychology or psychiatry.


  1. (transitive) To intimidate (someone) emotionally or using psychology (also psych out).
  2. (transitive, reflexive) To put (someone) into a required psychological frame of mind (also psych up).




  1. (countable) A device, generally slender and round, used for creating holes in thin material, for driving an object through a hole in a containing object, or to stamp or emboss a mark or design on a surface.
  2. (countable) A hit or strike with one's fist.
  3. (countable) A hole or opening created with a punch.
  4. (countable) A mechanism for punching holes in paper or other thin material.
  5. (countable, rare) A blow from something other than the fist.
  6. (entomology) Any of various riodinid butterflies of the genus Dodona of Asia.
  7. (piledriving) An extension piece applied to the top of a pile; a dolly.
  8. (uncountable) Impact.
  9. (uncountable) Power, strength, energy.
  10. A beverage, generally containing a mixture of fruit juice and some other beverage, often alcoholic.
  11. A prop, as for the roof of a mine.


  1. (intransitive, UK, slang) Ellipsis of punch above one's weight; especially, to date somebody more attractive than oneself.
  2. (transitive) In winemaking, to perform pigeage: to stamp down grape skins that float to the surface during fermentation.
  3. (transitive) To enter (information) on a device or system.
  4. (transitive) To hit (a ball or similar object) with less than full force.
  5. (transitive) To make holes in something (rail ticket, leather belt, etc)
  6. (transitive) To operate (a device or system) by depressing a button, key, bar, or pedal, or by similar means.
  7. (transitive) To strike with one's fist.
  8. (transitive, of cattle) To herd.
  9. To employ a punch to create a hole in or stamp or emboss a mark on something.
  10. To mark a ticket.
  11. To thrust against; to poke.
