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English 4 letter words - Containing letters hlm - page 1

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Flash Deals (EN)




  1. (botany) Alternative spelling of haulm




  1. (Northern England (Cumberland, Westmorland)) A heavy cloud lying on the brow of a mountain, especially one associated with a storm.
  2. (Northern England) A shelter for cattle or other farm animals; a hemmel, a shed.
  3. (alchemy, chemistry) The upper part or cap of an alembic or retort.
  4. (archaic or poetic) A helmet.
  5. (countable) A stalk of corn, or (uncountable) stalks of corn collectively (that is, straw), especially when bundled together or laid out straight to be used for thatching roofs.
  6. (except Britain, dialectal) The crown or top of something.
  7. (heraldry) Synonym of helmet (“the feature above a shield on a coat of arms”)
  8. (nautical) The member of a vessel's crew in charge of steering the vessel; a helmsman or helmswoman.
  9. (nautical) The tiller (or, in a large ship, the wheel) which is used to control the rudder of a marine vessel; also, the entire steering apparatus of a vessel.
  10. (nautical) The use of a helm (sense 1); also, the amount of space through which a helm is turned.
  11. (uncountable) Alternative form of haulm (“the stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop, which are used as animal food or litter, or for thatching”)
  12. (uncountable, obsolete) Synonym of bentgrass (“any of numerous reedy grass species of the genus Agrostis”)
  13. A position of control or leadership.
  14. One in the position of controlling or directing; a controller, a director, a guide.
  15. Something used to control or steer; also (obsolete), a handle of a tool or weapon; a haft, a helve.


  1. (figuratively) To direct or lead (a project, etc.); to manage (an organization).
  2. (nautical) To control the helm (noun sense 1) of (a marine vessel); to be in charge of steering (a vessel).
  3. (transitive) To lay out (stalks of corn, or straw) straight to be used for thatching roofs; to yelm.
  4. (transitive, archaic or poetic) To cover (a head) with a helmet; to provide (someone) with a helmet; to helmet.





  1. (dialect, chiefly West Yorkshire(?), Scotland, Orkney) Any small island, but especially one near a larger island or the mainland, sometimes with holly bushes; an islet. Often the word is used in Norse-influenced place-names. See also holme.
  2. (obsolete outside dialects) The holly.
  3. A common evergreen oak of Europe, Quercus ilex; the holm oak.
  4. An island in a lake, river or estuary; an eyot.
  5. Rich flat land near a river, prone to being completely flooded; a river-meadow; bottomland.
  6. Small island, islet.
