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English 4 letter words - Containing letters hko - page 1

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Total results: 20

Flash Deals (EN)





  1. A Pawnee Indian ceremony celebrating the union of Earth and Heaven and the genesis of life.





  1. (card games) The last card turned up in the game of faro.
  2. A Rhenish wine, of a light yellow color, either sparkling or still, from the Hochheim region; often applied to all Rhenish wines.
  3. Debt.
  4. Installment purchase.
  5. Meat from that part of a food animal.
  6. Pawn, obligation as collateral for a loan.
  7. Prison.
  8. The tarsal joint of a digitigrade quadruped, such as a horse, pig or dog.


  1. (US) To bother; to pester; to annoy incessantly.
  2. (transitive) To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; to hamstring; to hough.
  3. (transitive, colloquial) To leave with a pawnbroker as security for a loan.
  4. To cough while the vomit reflex is triggered; to gag.
  5. To produce mucus from coughing or clearing one's throat.




  1. (obsolete) Alternative form of hook
  2. Something contrived or artificial.


  1. (Ireland) To scrounge, to grub.
  2. (slang) To ascribe a false or artificial quality to; to pretend falsely to have some quality or to be doing something, etc.




  1. (UK dialectal) A hollow cavity.


  1. (transitive, UK dialectal) To dig out; make hollow; hollow out.
  2. (transitive, UK dialectal) To dig up; excavate.
  3. (transitive, UK dialectal) To dig; dig into; pierce; penetrate; investigate; poke.




  1. Imitation of car horn, used, for example, to clear a path for oneself.


  1. (informal) A bad smell.
  2. Clipping of honky.
  3. The cry of a goose.
  4. The sound produced by a typical car horn.


  1. (informal) To squeeze playfully, usually a breast or nose.
  2. (intransitive) To make a loud, harsh sound like a car horn.
  3. (intransitive) To make the vocal sound of a goose.
  4. (slang) To have a bad smell.
  5. (slang) To vomit: regurgitate the contents of one's stomach.
  6. (transitive, intransitive) To use a car horn.




  1. (Canada, Australia, military) Any of the chevrons denoting rank.
  2. (Scrabble) An instance of playing a word perpendicular to a word already on the board, adding a letter to the start or the end of the word to form a new word.
  3. (UK, slang, obsolete) A pickpocket.
  4. (agriculture) A field sown two years in succession.
  5. (authorship) A brief, punchy opening statement intended to get attention from an audience, reader, or viewer, and make them want to continue to listen to a speech, read a book, or watch a play.
  6. (basketball) a basketball shot in which the offensive player, usually turned perpendicular to the basket, gently throws the ball with a sweeping motion of his arm in an upward arc with a follow-through which ends over his head. Also called hook shot.
  7. (bowling) A ball that is rolled in a curved line.
  8. (boxing) a type of punch delivered with the arm rigid and partially bent and the fist travelling nearly horizontally mesially along an arc
  9. (bridge, slang) A finesse.
  10. (card games, slang) A jack (the playing card).
  11. (cricket) A type of shot played by swinging the bat in a horizontal arc, hitting the ball high in the air to the leg side, often played to balls which bounce around head height.
  12. (geography) A spit or narrow cape of sand or gravel turned landward at the outer end, such as Sandy Hook in New Jersey.
  13. (golf) A golf shot that (for the right-handed player) curves unintentionally to the left. (See draw, slice, fade.)
  14. (in the plural) The projecting points of the thighbones of cattle; called also hook bones.
  15. (informal) Removal or expulsion from a group or activity.
  16. (music) A catchy musical phrase which forms the basis of a popular song.
  17. (narratology) A gimmick or element of a creative work intended to be attention-grabbing for the audience; a compelling idea for a story that will be sure to attract people's attention.
  18. (nautical, chiefly historical) A knee-shaped wooden join connecting the keel to the stem (post forming the frontmost part of the bow) or the sternpost in cog-like vessels or similar vessels.
  19. (nautical, informal) A ship's anchor.
  20. (programming) Part of a system's operation that can be intercepted to change or augment its behaviour.
  21. (surfing) Synonym of shoulder (“the part of a wave that has not yet broken”)
  22. (typography) a diacritical mark shaped like the upper part of a question mark, as in ỏ.
  23. (typography, rare) a háček.
  24. A barbed metal hook used for fishing; a fishhook.
  25. A loop shaped like a hook under certain written letters, for example, g and j.
  26. A rod bent into a curved shape, typically with one end free and the other end secured to a rope or other attachment.
  27. A snare; a trap.
  28. A tie-in to a current event or trend that makes a news story or editorial relevant and timely.
  29. Any of various hook-shaped agricultural implements such as a billhook.
  30. The curved needle used in the art of crochet.
  31. The part of a hinge which is fixed to a post, and on which a door or gate hangs and turns.


  1. (Scrabble) To play a word perpendicular to another word by adding a single letter to the existing word.
  2. (UK, US, slang, archaic) To steal.
  3. (bridge, slang) To finesse.
  4. (cricket, golf) To play a hook shot.
  5. (field hockey, ice hockey) To engage in the illegal maneuver of hooking (i.e., using the hockey stick to trip or block another player)
  6. (intransitive) To move or go with a sudden turn.
  7. (intransitive, slang) To engage in prostitution.
  8. (rugby) To succeed in heeling the ball back out of a scrum (used particularly of the team's designated hooker).
  9. (soccer, bowling) To swerve a ball; kick or throw a ball so it swerves or bends.
  10. (transitive) To attach a hook to.
  11. (transitive) To catch with a hook (hook a fish).
  12. (transitive) To connect (hook into, hook together).
  13. (transitive) To ensnare or obligate someone, as if with a hook.
  14. (transitive) To insert in a curved way reminiscent of a hook.
  15. (transitive) To seize or pierce with the points of the horns, as cattle in attacking enemies; to gore.
  16. (transitive) To work yarn into a fabric using a hook; to crochet.
  17. (usually in passive) To make addicted; to captivate.







  1. (India, historical) A form of land tenure usually based around hereditary zamindars with proprietary rights.







  1. A dark powder (usually powdered antimony) used as eye makeup, especially in Eastern countries; stibnite.


  1. To decorate one's eyes with kohl.





  1. Alternative form of qoph




  1. Dated form of OK.
