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English 5 letter words - Containing letters hinc - page 1

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  1. (Britain) A sequence of linked house purchases, each of which is dependent on the preceding and succeeding purchase (said to be "broken" if a buyer or seller pulls out).
  2. (chemistry) A number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule.
  3. (mathematics, set theory, order theory) A totally ordered set, especially a totally ordered subset of a poset.
  4. (nautical, in the plural) Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected with the shrouds; also, the channels.
  5. (surveying) A long measuring tape.
  6. (surveying) A series of interconnected links of known length, used as a measuring device.
  7. (weaving) The warp threads of a web.
  8. A livery collar, a chain of office.
  9. A series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal.
  10. A series of interconnected things.
  11. A series of stores or businesses with the same brand name.
  12. A unit of length equal to 22 yards. The length of a Gunter's surveying chain. The length of a cricket pitch. Equal to 20.12 metres, 4 rods, or 100 links.
  13. That which confines, fetters, or secures; a bond.


  1. (computing) To be chained to another data item.
  2. (computing) To relate data items with a chain of pointers.
  3. (figurative) To connect as if with a chain, due to dependence, addiction, or other feelings
  4. (figurative) To obligate.
  5. (intransitive) To link multiple items together.
  6. (transitive) To fasten something with a chain.
  7. (transitive) To measure a distance using a 66-foot long chain, as in land surveying.
  8. (transitive) To obstruct the mouth of a river etc with a chain.
  9. (transitive) To secure someone with fetters.
  10. (transitive, computing, rare, associated with Acorn Computers) To load and automatically run (a program).






  1. (countable) Synonym of China rose, in its various senses.
  2. (countable, Cockney rhyming slang, Australia, South Africa) Synonym of friend.
  3. (countable, games, chiefly US, obsolete) A glazed china marble.
  4. (countable, music) A kind of drum cymbal approximating a Chinese style of cymbal, but usually with Turkish influences.
  5. (uncountable) Chinaware: porcelain tableware.
  6. (uncountable) Synonym of China root, the root of Smilax china (particularly) as a medicine.
  7. (uncountable) Synonym of porcelain, a hard white translucent ceramic made from kaolin, now (chiefly US) sometimes distinguished in reference to tableware as fine or good china.
  8. (uncountable, chiefly US, dated) Cheaper and lower-quality ceramic and ceramic tableware, distinguished from porcelain.
  9. (uncountable, dated) Tea from China, (particularly) varieties cured by smoking or opposed to Indian cultivars.
  10. (uncountable, obsolete) Synonym of cheyney: worsted or woolen stuff.




  1. (Southern England, Vancouver) A steep-sided ravine leading from the top of a cliff down to the sea.
  2. (aeronautics) A longitudinal line of sharp change in the cross-section profile of the fuselage or similar body.
  3. (nautical) A hollowed or bevelled channel in the waterway of a ship's deck.
  4. (nautical) A sharp angle in the cross section of a hull.
  5. A piece of the backbone of an animal, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking.
  6. The back of the blade on a scythe.
  7. The edge or rim of a cask, etc., formed by the projecting ends of the staves; the chamfered end of a stave.
  8. The spine of an animal.
  9. The top of a ridge.


  1. (obsolete) To crack, split, fissure, break.
  2. (transitive) To cut through the backbone of; to cut into chine pieces.
  3. To chamfer the ends of a stave and form the chine.




  1. The sound of metal or glass clinking.


  1. (Scotland, slang) Cocaine.
  2. (countable) A ringing sound, as of metal or glass being struck.
  3. (uncountable, slang) Money (from the sound of a cash register ringing up an amount).
  4. (zoology) A high-pitched mating call made by the male kakapo.
  5. A pair of small bowl-shaped finger cymbals made of thick and heavy bronze, used in the music of Thailand and Cambodia.


  1. (MLE, slang) To stab.
  2. (zoology, intransitive) Of the male kakapo: to make its high-pitched mating call.
  3. To chink or clink; to make a ringing sound, as of metal or glass being struck.




  1. (countable) A slight sound as of metal objects touching each other; a clink.
  2. (figuratively) A vulnerability or flaw in a protection system or in any otherwise formidable system.
  3. (uncountable, colloquial, now rare) Ready money, especially in the form of coins.
  4. A chip or dent in something metallic.
  5. A narrow opening such as a fissure or crack.
  6. Alternative form of kink (“gasp for breath”)
  7. Alternative letter-case form of Chink


  1. (intransitive) To crack; to open.
  2. (intransitive) To make a slight sound like that of metal objects touching.
  3. (transitive) To cause to make a sharp metallic sound, as coins, small pieces of metal, etc., by bringing them into collision with each other.
  4. (transitive) To cause to open in cracks or fissures.
  5. (transitive) To fill an opening such as the space between logs in a log house with chinking; to caulk.




  1. A coarse cotton fabric commonly used to make trousers and uniforms.




  1. plural of chin


  1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chin




  1. Obsolete form of chintz.




  1. (card games) A variety of auction pitch in which a draw to improve the hand is added, and the five of trumps (called "right Pedro") and the five of the same colour (called "left Pedro", and ranking between the five and the four of trumps) are each worth five. Fifty-one points make a game.
  2. (informal) A firm hold.
  3. (informal) Something that is obvious or certain to occur; a sure thing.
  4. (informal) Something that is very easy to do.
  5. A simple saddle girth used in Mexico.


  1. (card games) In the game of cinch, to protect (a trick) by playing a higher trump than the five.
  2. To bring to certain conclusion.
  3. To tighten down.





  1. Any Eurasian goldfinch (of species Carduelis carduelis. syn. Fringilla carduelis).
  2. Any bird of other families of similar appearance to members of family Fringillidae.
  3. Any bird of the family Fringillidae, seed-eating passerine birds, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and usually having a conical beak.


  1. To hunt for finches, to go finching.






  1. (rare, regional or obsolete) An acclivity; a small hill or hillock.
  2. A ledge, a terrace; a right-angled projection; a lynchet.




  1. (dialectal) Alternative form of mince




  1. Pertaining to or intended for a market niche; having specific appeal.


  1. (Islam) An arrow woven into a prayer rug pointing in the direction of qibla.
  2. (architecture) A cavity, hollow, or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall, for a statue, bust, or other erect ornament.
  3. (by extension) Any position of opportunity for which one is well-suited, such as a particular market in business.
  4. (ecology) A function within an ecological system to which an organism is especially suited.
  5. Any similar position, literal or figurative.
  6. Specifically, a cremation niche; a columbarium.


  1. (transitive) To place in a niche.
  2. (transitive, marketing) To specialize in a niche, or particular narrow section of the market.






  1. (dialectal) A notch or small incision.
  2. Alternative form of knitch (“a small bundle”)
  3. Misspelling of niche.




  1. (physics) A magnetic compression of an electrically-conducting filament.
  2. A close compression of anything with the fingers.
  3. A metal bar used as a lever for lifting weights, rolling wheels, etc.
  4. A small amount of powder or granules, such that the amount could be held between fingertip and thumb tip.
  5. An awkward situation of some kind (especially money or social) which is difficult to escape.
  6. An organic herbal smoke additive.
  7. The action of squeezing a small amount of a person's skin and flesh, making it hurt.
  8. The narrow part connecting the two bulbs of an hourglass.


  1. (figurative) To cramp; to straiten; to oppress; to starve.
  2. (horticulture) To cut shoots or buds of a plant in order to shape the plant, or to improve its yield.
  3. (hunting) To take hold; to grip, as a dog does.
  4. (intransitive) Of clothing, to be uncomfortably tight in specific spots.
  5. (nautical) To sail so close-hauled that the sails begin to flutter.
  6. (obsolete) To complain or find fault.
  7. (obsolete, intransitive) To be stingy or covetous; to live sparingly.
  8. (of animals) To seize; to grip; to bite.
  9. (slang, transitive) To arrest or capture.
  10. (slang, transitive) To steal, usually something inconsequential.
  11. To move, as a railroad car, by prying the wheels with a pinch.
  12. To squeeze a small amount of a person's skin and flesh, making it hurt.
  13. To squeeze between the thumb and forefinger.
  14. To squeeze between two objects.




  1. (Southern US, Northern Ireland) Alternative form of rinse




  1. (Nigeria, slang) Witch.
  2. (nautical) A hoisting machine used for loading or discharging cargo, or for hauling in lines. (FM 55-501).
  3. A kick, as of an animal, from impatience or uneasiness.
  4. A machine consisting of a drum on an axle, a friction brake or ratchet and pawl, and a crank handle or prime mover (often an electric or hydraulic motor), with or without gearing, to give increased mechanical advantage when hauling on a rope or cable.
  5. A wince (machine used in dyeing or steeping cloth).


  1. To kick with impatience or uneasiness.
  2. To use a winch
  3. To wince; to shrink