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Total results: 7

Flash Deals (EN)




  1. (Scotland, Tyneside, Northern England) A worry; trouble; bother.
  2. (slang, especially UK) A fascist, a member of the far-right.
  3. (slang, in the plural, especially UK) The far-right, especially violent far-right demonstrators, collectively.


  1. (intransitive, Scotland, Tyneside, Northern England) To trouble oneself; to take pains.
  2. (slang) To make something fascist.
  3. (transitive, Scotland, Tyneside, Northern England) To worry; to bother, annoy.






  1. (Newfoundland) Cod; codfish.
  2. (archaic or loosely) Any animal (or any vertebrate) that lives exclusively in water.
  3. (cartomancy) The thirty-fourth Lenormand card.
  4. (countable) A cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water, moving with the help of fins and breathing with gills.
  5. (countable, nautical) A makeshift overlapping longitudinal brace, originally shaped roughly like a fish, used to temporarily repair or extend a spar or mast of a ship.
  6. (countable, nautical, military, slang) A torpedo (self-propelled explosive device).
  7. (countable, poker slang) A bad poker player. Compare shark (a good poker player).
  8. (countable, slang) An easy victim for swindling.
  9. (nautical) A purchase used to fish the anchor.
  10. (obsolete) A counter, used in various games.
  11. (prison slang) A new (usually vulnerable) prisoner.
  12. (uncountable) A card game in which the object is to obtain cards in pairs or sets of four (depending on the variation), by asking the other players for cards of a particular rank.
  13. (uncountable) The flesh of the fish used as food.
  14. (uncountable, derogatory, slang) A woman.
  15. A period of time spent fishing.
  16. An instance of seeking something.
  17. Class Chondrichthyes, cartilaginous fish such as sharks and rays
  18. Class Myxini, the hagfish (no vertebra)
  19. Class Petromyzontida, the lampreys (no jaw)
  20. Superclass Osteichthyes, bony fish.


  1. (fishing, transitive) To use as bait when fishing.
  2. (intransitive) To (attempt to) find or get hold of an object by searching among other objects.
  3. (intransitive) To hunt fish or other aquatic animals in a body of water.
  4. (intransitive, cricket) Of a batsman, to attempt to hit a ball outside off stump and miss it.
  5. (intransitive, followed by "for" or "around for") To talk to people in an attempt to get them to say something, or seek to obtain something by artifice.
  6. (nautical, transitive) To hoist the flukes of.
  7. (nautical, transitive) To repair (a spar or mast) by fastening a beam or other long object (often called a fish) over the damaged part (see Noun above).
  8. (transitive) To search (a body of water) for something other than fish.


