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English 4 letter words - Containing letters fat - page 1

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  1. The feathered white crown of the Ancient Egyptian deity Osiris.




  1. Alternative form of bafta (“type of material”)


  1. Alternative form of abaft




  1. (chiefly Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, informal) Crazy, insane, mad.
  2. (chiefly Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, informal) Foolish, silly, stupid.
  3. (obsolete) Gentle, meek, mild.





  1. Used before making a statement to introduce it as a trustworthy one.


  1. (archaic) Action; the realm of action.
  2. (databases) An individual value or measurement at the lowest level of granularity in a data warehouse.
  3. (law, obsolete except in set phrases) A wrongful or criminal deed.
  4. (obsolete) A feat or meritorious deed.
  5. An objective consensus on a fundamental reality that has been agreed upon by a substantial number of experts.
  6. Information about a particular subject, especially actual conditions and/or circumstances.
  7. Something actual as opposed to invented.
  8. Something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation.
  9. Something which is real.




  1. Misspelling of fate.





  1. (colloquial, impolite, derogatory) An irritating person; a fool.
  2. (colloquial, impolite, derogatory, potentially offensive) (usually as "old fart") An elderly person; especially one perceived to hold old-fashioned views.
  3. (informal) An emission of digestive gases from the anus; a flatus.


  1. (colloquial, intransitive, usually as "fart around") To waste time with idle and inconsequential tasks; to go about one's activities in a lackadaisical manner; to be lazy or over-relaxed in one's manner or bearing.
  2. (figuratively, transitive) To emit (fumes, gases, etc.).
  3. (informal, impolite, intransitive) To emit digestive gases from the anus; to flatulate.




  1. (computing, of a piece of hardware) Able to transfer data in a short period of time.
  2. (dated) Firmly or securely fixed in place; stable.
  3. (dated) Having an extravagant lifestyle or immoral habits.
  4. (nuclear physics, of a neutron) Having a kinetic energy between 1 million and 20 million electron volts; often used to describe the energy state of free neutrons at the moment of their release by a nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reaction (i.e., before the neutrons have been slowed down by anything).
  5. (obsolete) Tenacious; retentive.
  6. (of dyes or colours) Not running or fading when subjected to detrimental conditions such as wetness or intense light; permanent.
  7. (of people) Steadfast, with unwavering feeling. (Now mostly in set phrases like fast friend(s).)
  8. (of photographic film) More sensitive to light than average.
  9. Ahead of the correct time or schedule.
  10. Causing unusual rapidity of play or action.
  11. Deep or sound (of sleep); fast asleep (of people).
  12. Firm against attack; fortified by nature or art; impregnable; strong.
  13. Moving with great speed, or capable of doing so; swift, rapid.
  14. Of a place, characterised by business, hustle and bustle, etc.


  1. (of sleeping) Deeply or soundly .
  2. Immediately following in place or time; close, very near .
  3. In a firm or secure manner, securely; in such a way as not to be moved; safe, sound .
  4. Quickly, with great speed; within a short time .


  1. (archery) Short for "stand fast", a warning not to pass between the arrow and the target


  1. (Britain, rail transport) A train that calls at only some stations it passes between its origin and destination, typically just the principal stations
  2. One of the fasting periods in the liturgical year
  3. The act or practice of fasting, religious abstinence from food


  1. (intransitive) To practice religious abstinence, especially from food.
  2. (intransitive) To reduce or limit one's nutrition intake for medical or health reasons, to diet.
  3. (transitive) (academic) To cause a person or animal to abstain, especially from eating.





  1. (biochemistry) The products of a chemical reaction in their final form in the biosphere.
  2. (embryology) The mature endpoint of a region, group of cells or individual cell in an embryo, including all changes leading to that mature endpoint
  3. (mythology) Alternative letter-case form of Fate (one of the goddesses said to control the destiny of human beings).
  4. An event or a situation which is inevitable in the fullness of time.
  5. Destiny; often with a connotation of death, ruin, misfortune, etc.
  6. The effect, consequence, outcome, or inevitable events predetermined by this cause.
  7. The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.


  1. (transitive) To foreordain or predetermine, to make inevitable.





  1. plural of fat





  1. (archaic) Dexterous in movements or service; skilful; neat; pretty.


  1. A relatively rare or difficult accomplishment.


  1. (obsolete) To form; to fashion.
  2. (transitive, informal) To feature.




  1. A variety of curd cheese made from sheep’s or goat’s milk and originating from Greece.




  1. (English law) A warrant of a judge for certain processes.
  2. (English law) An authority for certain proceedings given by the Lord Chancellor's signature.
  3. (attributive) (Pertaining to) fiat currency.
  4. An arbitrary or authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree.
  5. Authorization, permission or (official) sanction.


  1. (transitive, used in academic debate and role-playing games) To make (something) happen.




  1. (authorship, figuratively, especially of a character) Lacking in depth, substance, or believability; underdeveloped; one-dimensional.
  2. (figurative) Lacking liveliness or action; depressed; uninteresting; dull and boring.
  3. (golf, of a golf club) Having a head at a very obtuse angle to the shaft.
  4. (grammar) Not having an inflectional ending or sign, such as a noun used as an adjective, or an adjective as an adverb, without the addition of a formative suffix; or an infinitive without the sign "to".
  5. (horticulture, of certain fruits) Flattening at the ends.
  6. (juggling, of a throw) Without spin; spinless.
  7. (music) Of a note or voice, lower in pitch than it should be.
  8. (music, note) Lowered by one semitone.
  9. (music, voice) Without variations in pitch.
  10. (not comparable, commerce) Of fees, fares etc., fixed; unvarying.
  11. (of a battery) Unable to emit power; dead.
  12. (of a carbonated drink) With all or most of its carbon dioxide having come out of solution so that the drink no longer fizzes or contains any bubbles.
  13. (of a tire or other inflated object) Deflated, especially because of a puncture.
  14. (of colours) Without variation in tone or hue (uniform), and dull (not glossy).
  15. (of measurements of time) Exact.
  16. (phonetics, dated, of a consonant) Sonant; vocal, as distinguished from a sharp (non-sonant) consonant.
  17. (slang) Having small or invisible breasts and/or buttocks.
  18. (wine) Lacking acidity without being sweet.
  19. Absolute; downright; peremptory.
  20. At a consistently depressed level; consistently lacklustre.
  21. Having no variations in height.
  22. In a horizontal line or plane; not sloping.
  23. Smooth; having no protrusions, indentations or other surface irregularities, or relatively so.
  24. Without variation in level, quantity, value, tone etc.


  1. (finance, slang) Without allowance for accrued interest.
  2. (of accurately measured timings) Exactly, precisely.
  3. (with units of time, distance, etc) Used to emphasize the smallness of the measurement.
  4. Bluntly.
  5. Completely.
  6. Directly; flatly.
  7. In the mile race, Smith's time was 3:58.56, and Brown's was four minutes flat.
  8. So as to be flat.


  1. (Australia, horse racing, with 'the' or attributively, sometimes with capital) the area in the centre of a racecourse.
  2. (chiefly Britain, New England, New Zealand and Australia, archaic elsewhere) An apartment, usually on one level and usually consisting of more than one room.
  3. (entomology) Any of various hesperiid butterflies that spread their wings open when they land.
  4. (gambling, slang) A cheater's die with the edges shaved to make certain rolls more likely.
  5. (geometry) A subset of n-dimensional space that is congruent to a Euclidean space of lower dimension.
  6. (historical) An early kind of toy soldier having a flat design.
  7. (horse racing, with 'the' or attributively, sometimes with capital) Level horse-racing ground, as contrasted with courses incorporating jumps, or the racing done on such ground.
  8. (in the phrase 'the flat') Level ground in general.
  9. (in the plural) A type of flat-soled running shoe without spikes.
  10. (in the plural) A type of ladies' shoe with a very low heel.
  11. (informal, automotive) A flat tyre/flat tire.
  12. (mail) A large mail piece measuring at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches, such as catalogs, magazines, and unfolded paper enclosed in large envelopes.
  13. (mining) A horizontal vein or ore deposit auxiliary to a main vein; also, any horizontal portion of a vein not elsewhere horizontal.
  14. (music) A note played a semitone lower than a natural, denoted by the symbol ♭ placed after the letter representing the note (e.g., B♭) or in front of the note symbol (e.g. ♭♪).
  15. (obsolete) A dull fellow; a simpleton.
  16. (optics) A flat (i.e. plane) mirror
  17. (painting) A thin, broad brush used in oil and watercolour painting.
  18. (publishing) A flat, glossy children's book with few pages.
  19. (rail transport, US) A railroad car without a roof, and whose body is a platform without sides; a platform car or flatcar.
  20. (swordfighting) The flat side of a blade, as opposed to the sharp edge.
  21. (technical, theatre, stagecraft) A rectangular wooden structure covered with masonite, lauan, or muslin, often produced in standard modules, that is used to build wall surfaces on stage. Flats can be painted and outfitted with doors and/or windows to depict a building or other part of a scene. It's a hard-surfaced alternative to a backcloth orbackdrop.
  22. A flat sheet for use on a bed.
  23. A flat-bottomed boat, without keel, and of small draught.
  24. A platform on a wheel, upon which emblematic designs etc. are carried in processions.
  25. A straw hat, broad-brimmed and low-crowned.
  26. A wide, shallow container or pallet.
  27. An area of level ground.
  28. Short for flat ride (“spinning amusement ride”).
  29. The palm of the hand, with the adjacent part of the fingers.


  1. (intransitive) To become flat or flattened; to sink or fall to an even surface.
  2. (intransitive) To dash, rush
  3. (intransitive, music, colloquial) To fall from the pitch.
  4. (poker slang) To make a flat call; to call without raising.
  5. (transitive) To dash or throw
  6. (transitive, dated) To make flat; to flatten; to level.
  7. (transitive, dated) To render dull, insipid, or spiritless; to depress.
  8. (transitive, music) To depress in tone, as a musical note; especially, to lower in pitch by half a tone.
  9. (transitive, obsolete) To beat or strike; pound




  1. Shortened form of fraternity, college organization. (Often used as a noun modifier.)





  1. (Northern English dialect) A piece of mountain pasture to which a farm animal has become hefted.
  2. The handle of a tool or weapon.


  1. (transitive) To fit a handle to (a tool or weapon); to grip by the handle





  1. (US) A collection of logs, fallen trees, etc. which obstructs navigation in a river.
  2. (US, slang, when ordering food) A slice of toast.
  3. (by extension) Any flattish thing, usually wooden, used in a similar fashion.
  4. (cooking) A mass of congealed solids that forms on a consommé because of the protein in the egg white.
  5. A flat-bottomed craft able to float and drift on water, used for transport or as a waterborne platform.
  6. A large (but unspecified) number, a lot.
  7. A square array of sensors forming part of a large telescope.
  8. A thick crowd of seabirds or sea mammals, particularly a group of penguins when in the water.


  1. (archaic) simple past tense and past participle of reave
  2. (graphical user interface) To dock (toolbars, etc.) so that they share horizontal or vertical space.
  3. (intransitive) To travel by raft.
  4. (transitive) To convey on a raft.
  5. (transitive) To make into a raft.





  1. (transitive, plumbing) To spread the end of a pipe outward so as to form a wide thin flange.





  1. (petrology) A variety of volcanic rock, tuff.
  2. Calcareous lime deposited by precipitation from a body of water, such as a hot spring.




  1. (nautical) A flag used to indicate wind direction or, with a knot tied in the center, as a signal; a waif, a wheft.
  2. A light breeze.
  3. Something (such as an odor or perfume) that is carried through the air.


  1. (ergative) To (cause to) float easily or gently through the air.
  2. (intransitive) To be moved, or to pass, on a buoyant medium; to float.
  3. To give notice to by waving something; to wave the hand to; to beckon.