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English 4 letter words - Containing letters cwl - page 1

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  1. A traditional Welsh soup, typically made with beef, lamb, or salted bacon with carrot, leeks, potatoes, swedes, and other seasonal vegetables.
  2. Alternative spelling of caul (“a membrane or veil, especially over a baby's head”)




  1. (botany) A slender appendage or process, formed like a claw, such as the base of petals of the pink.
  2. (colloquial) A human fingernail, particularly one extending well beyond the fingertip.
  3. (juggling) The act of catching a ball overhand.
  4. A curved, pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot of a mammal, reptile, or bird.
  5. A foot equipped with such.
  6. A mechanical device resembling a claw, used for gripping or lifting.
  7. The pincer (chela) of a crustacean or other arthropod.


  1. (juggling) To perform a claw catch.
  2. To do (something) quickly.
  3. To move with one's fingertips.
  4. To rail at, revile, or scold (someone or something).
  5. To relieve an uneasy feeling, such as an itch, by scratching (someone or something); hence (figuratively), to flatter or humour (someone); to court, to fawn on.
  6. To scratch or to tear at.
  7. To use the claws to climb.
  8. To use the claws to seize, to grip.




  1. (archaic) A ball of thread or yarn.
  2. (in the plural) The sheets so attached to a sail.
  3. (nautical) The lower corner(s) of a sail to which a sheet is attached for trimming the sail (adjusting its position relative to the wind); the metal loop or cringle in the corner of the sail, to which the sheet is attached. (on a triangular sail) The trailing corner relative to the wind direction.
  4. (nautical, in the plural) The cords suspending a hammock.
  5. (obsolete) A roughly spherical mass or body.
  6. Obsolete spelling of clue
  7. Yarn or thread as used to guide one's way through a maze or labyrinth; a guide, a clue.


  1. (nautical) (transitive and intransitive) to raise the lower corner(s) of (a sail)
  2. (transitive) to roll into a ball





  1. (metonymically) A monk.
  2. (nautical) A ship's ventilator with a bell-shaped top which can be swivelled to catch the wind and force it below.
  3. (nautical) A vertical projection of a ship's funnel that directs the smoke away from the bridge.
  4. (obsolete, Britain) A vessel carried on a pole, a soe.
  5. A caul (the amnion which encloses the foetus before birth, especially that part of it which sometimes shrouds a baby’s head at birth).
  6. A mask that covers the majority of the head.
  7. A monk's hood that can be pulled forward to cover the face; a robe with such a hood attached to it.
  8. A thin protective covering over all or part of an engine; also cowling.
  9. A usually hood-shaped covering used to increase the draft of a chimney and prevent backflow.


  1. (Yorkshire) To scrape together
  2. (transitive) To make a monk of (a person).
  3. To cover with, or as if with, a cowl (hood).
  4. To wrap or form (something made of fabric) like a cowl.
