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English 8 letter words - Containing letters cgxh - page 1

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  1. (biochemistry) The transfer of substances or elements like gas, amino-acids, ions etc. sometimes through a surface like a membrane.
  2. (chess) The loss of one piece and associated capture of another.
  3. (finance) The difference between the values of money in different places.
  4. (law, England & Wales, Northern Ireland) Clipping of exchange of contracts.
  5. (obsolete) The thing given or received in return; especially, a publication exchanged for another.
  6. (telephony, US) The fourth through sixth digits of a ten-digit phone number (the first three before the introduction of area codes).
  7. (usually with "the") The loss of a minor piece (typically a bishop or knight) and associated capture of the more advantageous rook.
  8. A conversation.
  9. A place for conducting trading.
  10. A telephone exchange.
  11. An act of exchanging or trading.


  1. (law, England & Wales, Northern Ireland) Clipping of exchange contracts.
  2. (transitive) To replace with, as a substitute.
  3. (transitive) To trade or barter.