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English 3 letter words - Containing letters arw - page 1

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Flash Deals (EN)




  1. (cooking) (of food) Not cooked.
  2. (obsolete) Not covered; bare; bald.
  3. (of an emotion, personality, etc.) Unmasked, undisguised, strongly expressed.
  4. (of language) Unrefined, crude, or insensitive, especially with reference to sexual matters.
  5. (of materials, products, etc.) Not treated or processed; in a natural state, unrefined, unprocessed.
  6. (of weather) Unpleasantly cold or damp.
  7. (statistics, of data) Uncorrected, without analysis.
  8. Candid in a representation of unpleasant facts, conditions, etc.
  9. Crude in quality; rough, uneven, unsophisticated.
  10. Having had the skin removed or abraded; chafed, tender; exposed, lacerated.
  11. New or inexperienced.


  1. (slang) Without a condom.


  1. (anime fandom slang) A recording or rip of a show that has not been fansubbed.
  2. (by extension, figurative) A point about which a person is particularly sensitive.
  3. (manga fandom slang) A scan that has not been cleaned (purged of blemishes arising from the scanning process) and has not been scanlated.
  4. (sugar refining, sugar trade) An unprocessed sugar; a batch of such.
  5. A galled place; an inveterate sore.


  1. (slang) To anally or vaginally penetrate without a condom.





  1. (Internet) An argument between two or more people with opposing opinions on a topic or issue.
  2. (business) A protracted instance of fierce competition in trade.
  3. (chiefly US) Campaigns against various social problems.
  4. (countable) A particular conflict of this kind.
  5. (countable, sometimes proscribed) Protracted armed conflict against irregular forces, particularly groups considered terrorists.
  6. (crime) A prolonged conflict between two groups of organized criminals, usually over organizational or territorial control.
  7. (obsolete) Armed forces.
  8. (obsolete, uncountable) An assembly of weapons; instruments of war.
  9. (uncountable) Organized, large-scale, armed conflict between countries or between national, ethnic, or other sizeable groups, usually but not always involving active engagement of military forces.
  10. (uncountable, card games) Any of a family of card games where all cards are dealt at the beginning of play and players attempt to capture them all, typically involving no skill and only serving to kill time.


  1. (intransitive) To engage in conflict (may be followed by "with" to specify the foe).
  2. (transitive) To carry on, as a contest; to wage.




  1. Weapons release authorization